Mother. Dancer. Courtesan. Spy. The incredible true story of an extraordinary woman. Mata Hari is an epic drama that charts the extraordinary life of exotic dancer, courtesan and infamous spy Mata Hari. To her audiences, Mata Hari was the notorious performer and dancer. To her wealthy lovers she was the charming yet mysterious seductress. To both the German and French Intelligence Services she was an invaluable and trustworthy informant who was exposed as a double agent. But few saw Margaret Zelle, the real woman behind the legend of Mata Hari. Born of humble beginnings, Margaret escapes personal family tragedy and a loveless marriage to become the most controversial woman of her Age. But for all her fame and wealth, she cannot forget the daughter that was taken away from her. Desperately driven to be reunited with her child, Margaret seeks to win favour with anyone powerful enough to help her; by using her mind, her information, or her body. But as the world descends towards war, and as the stakes get higher than she could ever have imagined, Margaret is no longer sure which side she is on. Her life has become a performance that she cannot escape from. This landmark new drama about love, loss and defiance features an acclaimed international cast including Christopher Lambert (Ghost Rider 2, Highlander), John Corbett (Sex and the City, My Big Fat Greek Wedding), Rutger Hauer (Batman Begins, Blade Runner), Gerard Depardieu (Life of Pi, La Vie en Rose) and French actress Vahina Giocante (99 Francs, The Libertine) as Mata Hari. Mata Hari is directed by Dennis Berry (Highlander, Stargate SG-1) and Julius Berg.
Quando o seu noivo é assassinado, Mata Hari usa a sua experiência de dançarina e o seu dom para a sedução para tornar-se na agente dupla mais famosa da história. Ela envolve-se numa trama de espionagem internacional em plena Primeira Guerra Mundial.
Маргарет Мак-Леод, преследуемая своим бывшим мужем, лишается опеки над дочерью и брошена на произвол судьбы, не имея никаких средств к существованию. Она становится танцовщицей, отчаявшись найти какой-либо другой заработок.
Под псевдонимом Мата Хари, Маргарет становится любимицей европейской элиты. Для неё открываются двери роскошных особняков и вилл, каждое выступление производит невероятный фурор. Но грядёт Первая мировая война, которая навсегда изменит ход истории.
И едва ли Мата Хари догадывается, какую роль ей суждено сыграть в предстоящих событиях.
Margaret MacLeod, perseguida por su exmarido, es privada de la custodia de su hija y abandonada a merced del destino, sin medios de subsistencia. Se convierte en bailarina, desesperada por encontrar otras ganancias. Bajo el seudónimo de Mata Hari, Margaret se convierte en la favorita de la élite europea. Consigue abrirse las puertas de lujosas mansiones y villas, cada actuación produce un furor increíble. Pero se acerca la Primera Guerra Mundial, que cambiará para siempre el curso de la historia, y es apenas que Mata Hari adivina qué papel está destinada a jugar en los próximos eventos.
Margaret MacLeod, persécutée par son mari qui finit par la priver de la garde de leur fille, se retrouve pratiquement sans moyens de survie. Après de laborieuses recherches d'un emploi, elle se décide à devenir danseuse à Paris sous le nom de Mata Hari.