Mighty Max is an American animated action/sci-fi/horror television series which aired from 1993 to 1994 to promote the British Mighty Max toys, an offshoot of the Polly Pocket line, created by Bluebird Toys in 1992. It ran for two seasons, with a total of 40 episodes airing during the show's run. It starred the voice talents of Rob Paulsen as Max, Richard Moll as Norman, Tony Jay as Virgil, and Tim Curry as Skullmaster.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | September 1993 | December 1993 | 13 |
Season 2 | September 1994 | December 1994 | 27 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 40 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 40 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Kyle James (II) | 14 | 09/08/1993 - 12/02/1994 | |
Gordon Bressack | 11 | 09/29/1994 - 12/02/1994 | |
James West | 11 | 10/06/1993 - 12/02/1994 | |
Richard Collado | 11 | 09/27/1994 - 12/02/1994 | |
Bob Hathcock | 5 | 11/16/1994 - 12/02/1994 | |
Ken Pontac | 4 | 10/06/1993 - 12/08/1993 | |
Kent Butterworth | 3 | 10/07/1994 - 11/30/1994 | |
Mark Zaslove | 3 | 09/08/1993 - 12/08/1993 | |
Rob Hudnut | 3 | 11/10/1993 - 12/02/1994 | |
Bob Shellhorn | 2 | 12/01/1994 - 12/02/1994 | |
David Bleiman | 2 | 10/06/1993 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Robin Quinn | 3 | 09/08/1993 - 10/07/1994 | |
Francis Moss | 2 | 09/29/1994 - 11/16/1994 | |
Doug Booth | 2 | 11/15/1994 - 11/29/1994 | |
Stephen Sustarsic | 2 | 09/08/1993 - 10/07/1994 | |
Ted Pederson | 2 | 09/29/1994 - 11/16/1994 | |
Jules Dennis | 1 | 11/25/1994 | |
Elliot Feldman | 1 | 09/27/1994 | |
Katherine Lawrence | 1 | 09/28/1994 | |
Reed Shelly | 1 | 11/22/1994 | |
Christy Marx | 1 | 09/28/1994 | |
Mark Seidenberg | 1 | 11/30/1994 | |
Bruce Shelly | 1 | 11/22/1994 |
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