Camille is captured by the Titans and Quattro calls a cease-fire, regrouping his forces to fight another day.
Franklin Bidan has the freedom of the ship aboard Alexandria, albeit under armed escort. On his way to confinement, Camille accuses him of contriving his mother's death -- he knows all about his father's mistress Margarita. Camille is then accosted by Jared, who mocks him for his unmanly attachment to his mother. Emma Sheen intervenes, but the damage is done -- Camille silently swears bloody vengeance.
Basque's hostage operation convinces Emma that she's been fighting for the wrong side. She frees Franklin and Camille from the brig and engineers an escape from the Alexandria with all three Mark-II prototypes. Layla tries to stop them in her Galbaldy-Beta, but is forced to retreat by Quattro's Rick Dias.
Camille es capturada por los Titanes y Quattro pide un alto el fuego, reagrupando sus fuerzas para luchar otro día. Franklin Bidan tiene la libertad del barco a bordo de Alexandria, aunque con escolta armada. De camino al encierro, Camille lo acusa de haber planeado la muerte de su madre; él sabe todo sobre la amante de su padre, Margarita. Entonces Camille es abordada por Jared, quien se burla de él por su apego poco masculino a su madre. Emma Sheen interviene, pero el daño está hecho: Camille jura en silencio venganza sangrienta. La operación de rehenes de Basque convence a Emma de que ha estado luchando por el lado equivocado. Ella libera a Franklin y Camille del bergantín y diseña un escape de Alejandría con los tres prototipos Mark-II. Layla intenta detenerlos en su Galbaldy-Beta, pero Rick Dias de Quattro la obliga a retirarse.