Pumat Sol went for a stroll, but how did the story really go? The cast of Critical Role gives the game "telephone" a story-telling twist when Matthew Mercer tells a Wildmeount tale and passes it along to a cast member who can listen to it only once before retelling it to another... How weird can things possibly get?
Jester tells a tale, but how far off-course will the retold story sail? The cast of Critical Role gives the game "telephone" a story-telling twist when Laura Bailey records a Wildemount story, passing it on to a cast member who can watch it only once before retelling it to another who passes it on, and so on! How much of the story will survive the chaos?
Sam Riegel starts off an all new Narrative Telephone! How much of the story will stay intact as it is passed throughout the line of cast?
Liam O'Brien weaves a tale that his friends try to pass on to each other without added accent fails...
Ashley Johnson leads off a new round of Narrative Telephone. How sweet will her revenge be as the cast attempt to retell the tale down the line with only one viewing?
Marisha Ray leads off an all-new Narrative Telephone. How much of her story will survive the cast's flurry of Beaus?
Taliesin Jaffe leads off Narrative Telephone, passing a cautionary tale down the line of cast originating with Caduceus.
Travis Willingham wreaks havoc on his friends and leads off an all-new round of Narrative Telephone. How far will the story stray as the cast swat the details away?
Matthew Mercer starts off the tale - a brilliant revenge for his friends to fail. Brian W. Foster joins the cast, so we'll see how long that accent lasts...
Brian W. Foster tells the tale and sets his friends up for the crassest of fails.
Laura Bailey starts Narrative Telephone with a poetic story that's sure to go down in holiday glory, featuring special guest Mica Burton!
Special guest Mica Burton starts off an all-new episode of Narrative Telephone! Mica spins with details galore a rapid tour of linguistic shores thus unexplored by previous lores.
Liam O'Brien starts off a new round of Narrative Telephone, featuring special guest Dani Carr!
Critical Role is teaming up with the cast of Tales from the Stinky Dragon in a new episode of Narrative Telephone! Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, and Laura Bailey join Tales from the Stinky Dragon cast members Jon Risinger, Blaine Gibson, Barbara Dunkelman, and Chris Demarais as they recount a frigid adventure from Game Master Gustavo Sorola.
Barbara Dunkelman and the rest of the Tales from the Stinky Dragon gang return for another round of Narrative Telephone. Join Matthew Mercer, Liam O'Brien, and Ashley Johnson along with Stinky Dragon's Chris Demarais, Gustavo Sorola, Blaine Gibson, and Jon Risinger as they attempt to retell a mystery from the perspective of Barbara's Stinky Dragon character, Ella Von Brath.
Divergence is here, and cast member Jasmine Don shares a tale of her character Fiedra’s life during the height of the Calamity. Join her and fellow Divergence cast Celia Rose Gooding, Liam O’Brien & Matthew Mercer, along with guests Dani Carr, Sam Riegel, and Travis Willingham as they attempt to keep this action packed story from falling apart.