All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Anirban Bandyobhadyay

    • October 16, 2013
    • CuriosityStream

    With a doctorate in supramolecular electronics, Anirban Bandyopadhyay and his colleagues invented nano brain, an artificial molecular device that mimics a fundamental hardware feature of our brain.

  • S01E02 Arianna Huffington

    • CuriosityStream

    Arianna Huffington discusses her book THRIVE and the benefits of unplugging from technology and living with gratitude and grace. "Life has a bigger imagination than we do" she says as she talks about getting to a place of respecting our own time and opening up our minds to life's possibilities through meditation.

  • S01E03 Fabien Cousteau

    • CuriosityStream

    Aquanaut, Oceanographic Explorer, Conservationist, Documentary Filmmaker, Explorer-at-Large for National Geographic & grandson of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Fabien current projects include his nonprofit Plant A Fish, the Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center and Mission 31.

  • S01E04 Heather Berlin

    • CuriosityStream

    From Cognitive Neuroscientist, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Neuroscience at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai to Discovery Channel's Superhuman Showdown host, Heather Berlin's interest lies with studying the neural basis of consciousness, dynamic unconscious processes & creativity.

  • S01E05 Jason Silva

    • CuriosityStream

    As an extraordinary new breed of philosopher, Jason Silva has been a featured speaker from The Economist Ideas Festival, TEDglobal to Google, and described as a wonder junkie.

  • S01E06 Ken Cole

    • CuriosityStream

    Sexiest Businessman of the Year, Kenneth Cole has been included in Forbes' 200 best small companies and he's the 1st to take social consciousness into his campaigns.

  • S01E07 Lucy Liu

    • CuriosityStream

    From the Danny Kaye Humanitarian Award, Woman's World Award for Outstanding Humanitarian, Champion of Peace Award to being a longtime UNICEF ambassador, Lucy Liu's heart & actions reach far beyond the digital screen.

  • S01E08 Max Tegmark

    • CuriosityStream

    Known as "Mad Max" for his unorthodox ideas & passion for adventure, MIT Professor Max Tegmark shares his scientific interests from precision cosmology to the ultimate nature of reality, all explored in his new popular book "Our Mathematical Universe".

  • S01E09 Nicholas Kristof

    • CuriosityStream

    Two time Pulitzer Prize winner & recognized Top American Leader, Nick Kristof's journalism has been the torchbearer & voice to shine a spotlight on neglected conflicts globally.

  • S01E10 Rudy Tanzi

    • CuriosityStream

    Professor of Neurology, Genetics & Aging, Dr. Rudolph Tanzi is leading the charge in research on modification of genes in connection with behavior or disease susceptibility by means of exercise.

  • S01E11 Russell Simmons

    • CuriosityStream

    Top 25 Most Influential People of the Past 25 Years, dedicated yogi, bestselling author & media mogul, Russell Simmons has a groundbreaking vision that has influenced music, fashion, finance, the jewelry industry, television & film & the face of modern philanthropy.

  • S01E12 Sheryl WuDunn

    • CuriosityStream

    One of the "150 Women Who Shake the World", Sheryl Wudunn is the 1st Asian-American reporter and together with her husband Nick Kristof the 1st couple to win a Pulitzer Prize.

  • S01E13 Shiva Ayyadurai

    • CuriosityStream

    The Inventor of Email. In 1978, Shiva Ayyadurai created a computer program, he named "email", that was the first to fully emulate the interoffice mail system --- Inbox, Memo, Outbox, Folders, Address Book, etc.