田一雄 (阿田) 是營業額最低、且欠異性緣的員工, 但上司翟國強 (KK) 卻對他處處包容。在眾人眼中, KK一直是好上司、好丈夫, 與妻子Francesca宛如一對模範夫妻。有日, 阿田在巴士上被誤會非禮, KK出面向阿田解圍。突然, 巴士急剎, 阿田與KK意外擁抱;KK心如鹿撞, 原來, 男子氣概十足的KK, 私下暗戀著阿田多時, 惟阿田到此刻仍懵然不知...... 終於一次, 阿田無意間發現KK手機內, 竟有偷拍自己的照片。此事讓阿田開始對KK抱有戒心, 對KK加以提防。阿田忽然收到KK邀約, 硬著頭皮赴約。KK竟帶著玫瑰花向阿田表白......
Tin Yat Hung, a real estate agent who is also a bachelor, is having trouble hitting his sales quota. One day, he meets a new friend, Siu Muk, at a bar and soon discovers that he's his new colleague and soon, his new roommate. When Tin Yat Hung uses his boss's phone to take a group selfie, he finds out that his boss has been secretly taking photos of him.