A still-single 40-year-old Nakahara Aki has a successful career but struggles when it comes to love. After experiencing a series of disastrous relationships, Aki is now fearful of falling in love. At work, Aki has been put in charge of developing a role-playing romance game app with a group of team members who are all younger than Aki. One day, Aki approaches a scriptwriter famous for romantic dramas, Takayama Fumio, and asks him to be the supervisor/advisor for the game app development project. At their first meeting, the two get into an argument when Fumio makes a comment about being 40 and still being infatuated with crush-like romance...
中原亞紀(篠原涼子 飾)是位在廣告部門工作且能力優秀的40歲世代職場女性,因職位異動而被調到其他部門,成為新開發的女性向「戀愛App」負責人,而因為此契機,亞紀結識了此戀愛遊戲程式的監修編劇高山文夫(江口洋介 飾)。高山雖在10多年前因編寫過聲名大噪的劇本而風靡一時,但其後卻未有任何作品問世。
究竟,亞紀與平日互吐苦水的好友們大崎萠子(吉瀨美智子 飾)、坂田綠(鈴木砂羽(日語:鈴木砂羽) 飾),三位40歲世代的女子將會遭遇到何種問題?