A reality series following former baseball player Pete Rose and his fiancée, model Kiana Kim, as they prepare to get married and blend their families. In the premiere, the couple throw an engagement party that gets off to a slow start when neither of their families shows up on time.
Pete tests his parenting skills by helping Ashton get through baseball camp and chaperoning a back-to-school party for Cassie, though Kiana isn't thrilled that her daughter is the center of attention.
Pete takes Kiana and the kids to baseball's Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y., for his annual trip to sign autographs, and Kiana encourages him to share the whole story of his banishment with Cassie and Ashton.
Kiana wants to live together as a family now that their five-year, long-distance relationship will finally result in marriage, but Pete isn't quite ready to take that step.
Pete's parenting skills get another test when Kiana has breast-reduction surgery.
Kiana wants Pete to commit to their relationship or lose her forever. Meanwhile, Pete awaits news on his bid for reinstatement into Major League Baseball.