Die Mitarbeiter des Amtes für Öffentliche Sicherheit sind in Alarmstimmung, denn bei mehreren Verbrechen ist es den Tätern gelungen, die Überwachung der PsychoPass-Scans auszutricksen.
A man in a helmet breaks into a pharmacy, kills the staff, and departs with drugs. When the MWSPB arrives on the scene, they find his coefficient wasn't high enough to raise an alarm. The same man attacks a woman in public, brutally beating her to death with a hammer in front of a crowd and a Psycho-Pass scanner. Later, the team learn that more culprits, wearing the same helmets, rob an armored car. Kogami deduces that the second crime would have a motive, leading their investigation to a man named Jyunmei Itoh who had a grudge against the victim. As Itoh attempts to escape, Kogami deduces that helmets copy the clear Psycho-pass rate of innocent bystanders and thus help criminals avoid evasion. With Akane and Masaoka's help, he apprehends the murderer.
Une série de crimes a été commise par des tueurs portant des casques, usurpant les faibles coefficients de criminalité d'innocentes victimes.
Sconosciuti che indossano dei caschi commettono una serie di crimini, copiando il ridotto coefficiente di criminalità degli astanti innocenti.
육중한 헬멧으로 얼굴을 가린 신원미상 인물들에 의한 잇따른 범죄. 하지만 이 도시의 치안 시스템은 실질적인 범죄행위에 대해서는 무력하기 짝이 없었다. 모든 것을 사이코패스로 판단하는 치안 시스템의 허점을 찌른 범죄, 그 배후에는 역시...
Un grupo de sujetos con casco de metal comete una serie de crímenes haciendo pasar su psycho pass por normal.