Sonokoe Utae is a talented singer and the top idol in the school. She's cheerful, polite, and popular, and she looks like she has it all. But she has a secret problem that she can't tell anyone about. When Taketo goes to interview her for the Newspaper circle, he swears to himself that he'll solve her problem. And then the two of them endup in a dark room together! Taketo's talent goes out of control, and unlocks a new door for the pure idol!
Sonokoe Utae es una cantante talentosa y la mejor idol de la escuela. Es alegre, educada y popular, y parece que lo tiene todo. Pero ella tiene un problema secreto que no puede contarle a nadie. Cuando Taketo va a entrevistarla para el círculo de periódicos, se jura a sí mismo que resolverá su problema.