With the first recording of Soo Ho's radio show coming up, the team goes on an overnight trip to brainstorm ideas and build teamwork. However, Geu Rim finds out that she lost her laptop with the script she was working on. To her surprise, Soo Ho tags along when she goes back to look for it.
첫 방송을 앞두고 라디오 팀은 1박 2일 기획 MT를 떠나게 되고. 한밤중 잃어버린 노트북 가방을 찾으러 그림은 선착장으로 가지만 이미 배는 떠나고, 숙소로 돌아가는 버스까지 끊기는데..
Le séjour de l'équipe tourne au désastre. Le jour du lancement, une mauvaise surprise attend Geu-rim.