Goku, Goku, and Hakkai, away from Sanzou. However, without a credit card, the three people, who have almost lost their sentences, fall down in the desert. It was the brothers and sisters who lived in a youkai-only village that helped them. They were in conflict with the city where humans lived over the oasis.
Goku, Gojo und Hakkai landen in der Wüste und geraten erneut in Gefahr. Sie werden von Geschwistern gerettet, doch auch sie leben in einem Dorf voller Monster un benötigen Hilfe.
Goku, Gojyo e Hakkai sono ormai lontani da Sanzo. Tuttavia i tre, senza carta di credito e soldi, cadono sfiniti nel deserto. Alcuni fratelli e sorelle che vivevano in un villaggio per soli youkai decidono di aiutarli.
Après le combat chaotique nécessaire pour maîtriser Gokû, le groupe est séparé. Sanzô part à la recherche de l'agresseur de son côté, accompagné de Hazel et Gat. Gojyô et Hakkai veillent quant à eux sur leur ami.