It was Goku, and Goku and Hakkai who rescued Sanzou, who was full of wounds, by the attack of the crow. However, the party is forced to struggle in the face of the power of Mutenkyobun, which changes everything to nothing. In addition, the crow points a new truth to Hazel.
Goku, Gojo und Hakkai retten Sanzo vor dem gefährlichen Angriff. Sie sind dabei dazu gezwungen, gegen die Macht des Muten-Sutras zu kämpfen, das alles in ein Nichts verwandelt.
Gojyo, Goku e Hakkai salvano Sanzo, gravemente ferito dall'attacco del suo avversario. Tuttavia, il gruppo è costretto ad affrontare il potere del sutra del cielo vacuo, in grado di trasformare ogni cosa in nulla.
Gojyô, Hakkai et Gokû sont arrivés à la rescousse pour sauver un Sanzô bien mal en point. Mais les voici face à Ukoku, dont les pouvoirs liés au Néant le rendent quasiment inatteignable. Malgré sa supériorité évidente, le grand corbeau dévoile une nouvelle carte maîtresse qui va faire basculer Hazel.