Kaede introduces Haruka and Yuu to Sumi Otokawa, who is to succeed Mitsuki as student council president, who asks for their help in deciding what to do for Mitsuki and student vice-president Rina Sakai for their graduation. The three of them decide to investigate the third years, finding them have a peculiar fondness for pudding, deciding on holding a 'bucket pudding contest'. After Sumi takes her leave, Mitsuki and Rina walk in on Haruka and Yuu kissing each other. Despite Mitsuki forbidding Haruka from kissing Yuu and having Kaede keep an eye on them, Haruka finds ways to sneak some kisses in during dance classes. Meanwhile, after speaking with Sumi, Mitsuki comes to the realization that she herself is in love with Haruka.
새로운 학생회장이 된 오토카와 스미는 미츠키와 리나 선배에게 보답할 방법을 궁리한다. 그러던 와중 카에데로부터 졸업파티를 계획하고 있는 친구들이 있다는 이야기를 듣게 되는데...
Kaede presenta a Haruka y Yuu a Sumi Otokawa, quien sucederá a Mitsuki como presidente del consejo estudiantil, quien les pide ayuda para decidir qué hacer por Mitsuki y la vicepresidenta estudiantil Rina Sakai para su graduación. Los tres deciden investigar a los de tercer año y descubren que tienen una peculiar afición por el pudín, por lo que deciden organizar un "concurso de pudín en cubos".