Ming Tian Qing and Qi Ling meet in Vietnam after she loses her late father's bracelet. They do not get along from the start, and after Qi Ling finds Tian Qing's bracelet they never want to see each other again. However, at the airport back in Taiwan, Xiang Zhi Yuan, a long time admirer, has thrown together a huge proposal ceremony for Tian Qing. She panics and tells him that Qi Ling is already her fiance.
Qi Ling has always liked Zhen Zhen, who has always cared more about becoming famous than him. But when she finds out that Qi Ling is getting married, she gets jealous and decides to get revenge by breaking up the couple. Who better to team up with than the other jilted partner, Zhi Yuan?
原本在某家法國企業越南分公司上班的明天晴(曾愷玹 飾),被挖角回台工作。 回台前夕,天晴意外遺失母親送給她的手鏈,那是父親給母親的訂情戒,也是父親的遺物。
天晴心急如焚的尋找,巧遇剛在叢林大戰沉香賊的齊鄰(范植偉 飾)。齊鄰憑著他過人的嗅覺,幫助天晴找到了手鏈,後二人同班機回台。在過程中兩人雖然因為找尋手鏈而成為朋友,卻如冤家般不停吵嘴,天晴內心暗暗發誓,回到台灣之後死都不要再見到齊鄰。
沒想到一回台灣,愛慕天晴許久的向致遠(王傳一 飾)竟安排一場盛大的求婚儀式,嚇得天晴只好謊稱齊鄰是未婚夫,與齊鄰協議假扮情侶……
齊鄰從小愛戀青梅竹馬黎真真(許瑋甯 飾),真真一心追求星夢,成為大明星,一直沒把齊鄰的愛放心上,但當真真發現致遠有了未婚妻,就鼓勵齊鄰追求天晴, 而真真就愛上了求婚失敗的致遠!
天晴為了讓母親淑娟(劉瑞琪 飾)與繼父向國強(高捷 飾)相信她和齊鄰在一起,硬是搬進齊家住。齊鄰的爸爸齊為山(李立群 飾)、弟弟齊實(郝劭文 飾)十分歡迎天晴,讓齊鄰暗暗叫苦。