Sonshin is a young high school boy in China who finds himself caught up in an ancient battle between the forces attempting to revive the emperor Kentei and who would stop them. A mysterious benefactor gives him a choice of cards, which will allow him to summon warriors from the romance of the three kingdoms to do his bidding. He summons the great general Shuuyu, but very quickly finds out that the game is more deadly than he bargained for...
Qingzhou, Cina. Secondo i libri di storia, al tempo dei Tre Regni questa terra fu teatro di feroci battaglie. Sun Chen è un giovane in cui la storia non suscita alcun interesse. Risvegliatosi da un sogno confuso, iniziano ad accadergli cose sempre più strane.
Wozu braucht man eigentlich Geschichtsunterricht. Das fragt sich unser Hauptdarsteller, während er im Unterricht wegträumt. Aber seine Träume scheinen unglaublich real. Als er dann noch gezwungen wird eine Karte zu wählen, beginnt ein unbarmherziges Spiel.