Spliced tells the story of mutants that are the result of genetic experiments. They live in an isolated tropical island (recalling The Island of Dr. Moreau) somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The mad scientist who created them was arrested for crimes against nature and good taste and removed by authorities via boat. Left to their own devices, the mutated beasts form a society based on what little they know about humanity from television, radio and comics.
Сериал, основанный на научно-фантастической истории Герберта Уэллса «Остров доктора Моро». Родившиеся в результате экспериментов с генной инженерией звери строят свое гражданское общество.
Dois animais mutantes, fruto de uma fusão genética, vivem das sobras de um cientista maluco, em uma isolada ilhada tropical chamada Xô Fora Daqui. Eles formam uma sociedade baseada apenas no que sabem sobre a humanidade por meio de TV, gibis e rádio.