Willa, Ehefrau des Seifenfabrikanten Loudin Sandleton, hat Streit mit ihrem Mann. Loudin will sie nicht länger die Produktverpackungen der Firma entwerfen lassen. Außer sich vor Wut, ermordet ihn Willa. Sie will ihn zu Seife verarbeiten.
Willa is a married artist who is pushed around by her ad campaign husband. When his company decides to drop her idea, Willa plans to come up with a new idea but nobody's interested. Willa wants revenge when a graffiti artist comes up with an idea and everyone is interested. Willa kills her husband and turns his body into soaps. She decides to shower with them but soon she regrets it.
Une jeune artiste narcissique ayant un penchant pour le gore, se déchaîne lorsque son mari, un magnat d'une société de savon, la renvoie.
Depois que sua criações são rejeitadas pelo seu principal cliente, uma pintora toma atitudes drásticas para poder manter o seu status.
Una joven artista narcisista con una inclinación por la sangre tiene un ataque de ira cuando su marido, un magnate de la compañía del jabón la despide.