Home / Series / Terraza Europa / Aired Order /
  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 2014324
  • Created August 14, 2022
  • Modified September 29, 2022
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Iratxe García, de Laguna de Duero a Bruselas
September 17, 2020
Podcast (All Platforms)
S01E02 Maite Pagazaurtundúa, lucha contra la desinformación, democracia y un pasado marcado por el terroris
October 1, 2020
Podcast (All Platforms)
S01E03 Dolors Montserrat, de estudiante Erasmus en Italia a eurodiputada en Bruselas
October 15, 2020
Podcast (All Platforms)
S01E04 Ernest Urtasun y la importancia de cuidar nuestro planeta
October 29, 2020
Podcast (All Platforms)
S01E05 María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop y la necesidad de educar en igualdad
November 12, 2020
Podcast (All Platforms)
S01E06 Margarita de la Pisa, una farmacéutica en el Parlamento Europeo
series finale
November 26, 2020
Podcast (All Platforms)

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