The story revolves around the life of General Sima Yi of Cao Wei.
Despite possessing great wisdom, Sima Yi (Wu Xio Bo) used to be a cowardly bookworm who shied from dangerous situations. However, his life changes after a meeting with Cao Cao (Yu He Wei) who became intrigued by what lies behind Sima Yi's fierce and agitating stare. Sima Yi was forced to become an official serving the Cao Family and ultimately forges an alliance with Cao Pi (Li Chen) to help him become Cao Cao's heir.
Sima Yi was an indispensable asset during the war due to his talent as a military strategist. While Cao Cao acknowledges Sima Yi's capabilities, he also views it as a threat. In order to survive, Sima Yi feigns weakness and insanity, even going as far as to fake his own death as he waits, for that opportune moment to rise up once and for all.
- Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon
- Jun Shi Lian Meng
Questo drama è basato sulla vita di Sima Yi, un grande politico e stratega vissuto durante il periodo dei Tre Regni.
조위의 참신한 시각으로 위국대군사 사마의의 파란만장한 일생과 후삼국시대를 그린 드라마
东汉末年,天下大乱。一代枭雄曹孟德(于和伟 饰)在逐鹿的群雄中间声名鹊起。他将落难的献帝刘协接到许都,以天子威名号令诸侯,更渐渐滋长着一颗霸主的不臣之心。在毫不留情地铲除异己的同时,曹丞相遍觅孝廉贤良,唯才是举,从早期的荀彧,到之后的荀攸、杨修(翟天临 饰),均进入幕府一展才华。是时,河内司马家的老二司马懿(吴秀波 饰)韬光养晦,隐姓埋名,为避免曹操的征召宁肯自断其腿。后在世子曹丕(李晨 饰)恳切的邀请下,他成为曹丕的幕僚。为争夺世子之位,曹丕和弟弟曹植展开明争暗斗,而他们各自的幕僚司马懿和杨修也卷入连番智斗之中。
《大軍師司馬懿系列》(上部:《軍師聯盟》,下部:《虎嘯龍吟》)(英語:The Advisors Alliance (Part 1),Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon (Part 2)),是一部以三國時期的司馬懿為主角的電視連續劇。2016年2月在橫店開拍,2017年1月殺青,共333天。由吳秀波、王洛勇、于和偉、丁海峰、劉歡、李晨、劉濤、張鈞甯、張芷溪、唐藝昕、翟天臨等主演。劇本籌備花費5年之久,耗資近4億元人民幣,以東漢末年三國時期「魏國」為編劇主軸,通過對權謀與情感的描述,抒寫魏國大軍師司馬懿一生如履薄冰、機智謀略的故事。