Spider-Man is a 1977 American made-for-television superhero film that had a theatrical release outside the US, which serves as the pilot to the 1978 television series titled "The Amazing Spider-Man." Peter Parker, a freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle, is bitten by a radioactive spider and discovers he has gained superpowers, such as super-strength, agility and the ability to climb sheer walls and ceilings. When a mysterious Guru (Thayer David) places people under mind-control - including a doctor and lawyer - to rob banks and threatens to have ten New Yorkers commit suicide at his command unless the city pays him $50 million, Peter becomes the costumed hero Spider-Man to stop the crook's fiendish scheme.
Name | Type | Role | |
Nicholas Hammond | Actor | Spider-Man / Peter Parker | |
David White | Actor | J. Jonah Jameson |