The show revolves around the reporters and producers at a fictional television newsmagazine series, The Eleventh Hour. Unhappy with the newsmagazine's shrinking audience, the network has brought in a new executive producer, Kennedy Marsh, to reorient the show in a more ratings-driven tabloid journalism direction. The tension between the ratings imperative and the more traditional journalistic ethics of the show's senior staff is the primary conflict that drives the show, but storylines also include the team's efforts to get the stories that will make it to air each week.
Season | From | To | Episodes |
All Seasons | |||
Specials | 0 | ||
Season 1 | November 2002 | May 2003 | 13 |
Season 2 | February 2004 | May 2004 | 13 |
Season 3 | November 2004 | March 2005 | 13 |
Unassigned Episodes | 0 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Unassigned Episodes | 39 |
Season | From | To | Episodes |
Season 1 | 0 | ||
Unassigned Episodes | 39 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
David Wellington | 14 | 11/26/2002 - 03/12/2005 | |
Semi Chellas | 12 | 11/26/2002 - 03/12/2005 | |
Peter Wellington | 4 | 12/03/2002 - 12/18/2004 | |
Stephen Reynolds | 3 | 12/10/2002 - 03/21/2004 | |
T.W. Peacocke | 2 | 01/01/2005 - 01/22/2005 | |
Steve DiMarco | 2 | 02/05/2005 - 02/26/2005 | |
Kelly Makin | 2 | 01/07/2003 - 02/22/2004 | |
Milan Cheylov | 1 | 12/11/2004 | |
Swith Bell | 1 | 01/14/2003 | |
Kari Skogland | 1 | 02/19/2005 | |
David Welleington | 1 | 01/15/2005 | |
Stevie Dimarco | 1 | 12/04/2004 |
Name | Number of Episodes | Dates | |
Esta Spalding | 6 | 12/10/2002 - 02/26/2005 | |
Tassie Cameron | 5 | 02/22/2004 - 03/12/2005 | |
Frank Borg | 3 | 03/07/2004 - 02/05/2005 | |
Karen Walton | 2 | 01/07/2003 - 02/15/2004 | |
Leslie Watts | 2 | 04/11/2004 - 12/11/2004 | |
Graeme Manson | 1 | 12/31/2002 | |
Sean Reycraft | 1 | 03/21/2004 | |
Jacob Tierney | 1 | 01/22/2005 | |
Morwyn Brebner | 1 | 02/19/2005 |
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