As allegations of sex trafficking and abuse begin hitting Sean Combs in late 2023, they seem at odds with the image Diddy has carefully curated for decades. However, reexamining his early rise to iconic music mogul reveals early signs of trouble.
Anklager om ulovlig sexhandel og misbrug begyndte at ramme Sean Combs i slutningen af 2023. Hans opstigning til musikikon afslører tidlige problemer.
Dès le départ, le parcours auréolé de succès de Sean Combs laissait entrevoir des signes inquiétants. En 2001, il faisait face à une première épreuve.
Em 2023, Sean Combs é acusado de tráfico sexual e abuso, abalando a imagem do magnata da música construída em meio a problemas do passado.