Rei has become an executive committee member of Magix Chevalier, a swordsman tournament between the three major magic academies. He watches over Amelia as she practices for the school preliminaries, but suddenly she appoints her as her practice partner. While everyone thinks Amelia has the upper hand, Rei corners her with her splendid swordsmanship. Everyone around her praised her for her unexpectedly great effort. However, Albert-Allium, who does not feel comfortable with the situation, challenges Ray to a duel. Albert, who gives off a strange bloodlust, attacks Rei with a serious sword in hand! ?
Ray é desafiado para um duelo de espada e é forçado a tomar uma decisão sobre uma promessa feita para sua mestra.
À l’approche du Magicus Chevalier, les candidats redoublent d’efforts pour avoir une chance de remporter la victoire dans leur catégorie. Pour Alium, les duels entre élèves seraient une belle occasion de ridiculiser Ray.
La competición del caballero mágico se acerca y Ray quiere entrenar, aunque un enemigo no deja de perseguirlo.
Ray geht weiter seinen Schulklubaktivitäten nach und genießt die Zeit mit seinen Freunden. Allerdings bleiben einige weiterhin verdächtig gegenüber ihm und seiner Vergangenheit. Es kommt zu einem Eklat.