Through the stories of nine kids living in the Taiwanese Shopping Mall, it depicts their diverse and magical life experiences. In the summer of 1985, while Xiaobudian (the tiny one) was at the fourth grade, he was already a convincing street vendor, who sold stuff for allowance on a skywalk every day. Xiaobudian's father is a shoe shop owner who was doing business in the Chinese Shopping Mall. One day, a magician from nowhere showed up in the mall. He had a treasure bowl and a zebra capable of emitting colorful lights, and he was able to make countless magic tricks. Xiaobudian admired this magician, and bought magic props for practice every day. At the same time, more and more boys and girls in the mall have met this mysterious magician, and gained life-changing power after they watched the magic show.
通过九个住在台湾购物中心的孩子的故事,描绘了他们丰富多彩的神奇生活经历。 1985年夏天,小不点(小小)上四年级的时候,就已经是一个令人信服的摆地摊了,每天在天桥上卖零花钱。 小布店的父亲是一家鞋店老板,在万国城做生意。 一天,一个不知从何而来的魔术师出现在商场里。 他有一个宝碗,还有一匹能放出七彩光芒的斑马,能施展无数的魔术。 小布店很佩服这个魔法师,每天都买魔法道具修炼。 与此同时,商场里越来越多的少男少女遇见了这位神秘的魔术师,并在观看魔术表演后获得了改变人生的力量。
通過九個住在台灣購物中心的孩子的故事,描繪了他們豐富多彩的神奇生活經歷。 1985年夏天,小不點(小小)上四年級的時候,就已經是一個令人信服的擺地攤了,每天在天橋上賣零花錢。 小布店的父親是一家鞋店老闆,在萬國城做生意。 一天,一個不知從何而來的魔術師出現在商場裡。 他有一個寶碗,還有一匹能放出七彩光芒的斑馬,能施展無數的魔術。 小布店很佩服這個魔法師,每天都買魔法道具修煉。 與此同時,商場裡越來越多的少男少女遇見了這位神秘的魔術師,並在觀看魔術表演後獲得了改變人生的力量。