All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Gloria Swanson

    • April 28, 1957

    Gloria Swanson, one of Hollywood's most spectacular stars, talks to Wallace about why she is not making films, sex appeal, Hollywood in the 1920s, marriage, plastic surgery, and cancer cures.

  • S01E02 Eldon Edwards

    • May 5, 1957

    Eldon Edwards, Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, talks to Wallace about the South's attitude toward the KKK, the Klan's membership, segregation, the NAACP, communism, and J. Edgar Hoover. NOTE: This interview contains language that may be offensive to some people.

  • S01E03 Philip Wylie

    • May 12, 1957

    The novelist, satirist, and social critic Philip Wylie talks to Wallace about moms and "Momism," women and marriage, religion, intellectualism, and psychoanalysis.

  • S01E04 Mickey Cohen

    • May 19, 1957

  • S01E05 Senator Wayne Morse

    • May 26, 1957

    Senator Wayne Morse, Republican turned Democrat from Oregon, talks to Wallace about his criticisms of the Eisenhower Administration, Barry Goldwater, Raymond Moley, Richard Nixon, Arthur Miller, and Joseph McCarthy.

  • S01E06 Earl Browder

    • June 2, 1957

    Earl Browder, former head of the Communist Party in the United States, talks to Wallace about Nikita Khrushchev, Joseph Stalin, the cold war, and American communism.

  • S01E07 Ralph Lapp

    • June 9, 1957

    Dr. Ralph Lapp, a nuclear physicist who helped develop the atomic bomb and who gave up research to write and lecture against further nuclear testing, talks to Wallace about the Atomic Energy Commission, cancer, the social responsibility of scientists, the Manhattan project, Hiroshima, and religion.

  • S01E08 Mary Margaret McBride

    • June 16, 1957

    Mary Margaret McBride, the "First Lady of Radio," pioneered radio journalism with more than 30,000 interviews over more than 20 years. She talks to Wallace about career versus family, motherhood, religion, television, and bikini bathing suits.

  • S01E09 David Hawkins

    • June 23, 1957

    David Hawkins of Oklahoma City was the youngest of 20 prisoners to defect during the Korean War. Hawkins talks about his defection and why he eventually returned to the United States.

  • S01E10 Charles (Commando) Kelly

    • June 30, 1957

    Chuck "Commando" Kelly, recipient of the Medal of Honor in World War II, talks to Wallace about his financial troubles, unemployment, the Korean War, and nuclear weapons.

  • S01E11 Steve Allen

    • July 7, 1957

    Steve Allen, comedian, musician, and television personality, talks to Wallace about his rivalry with Ed Sullivan, his television show, and awards.

  • S01E12 Diana Barrymore

    • July 14, 1957

    Diana Barrymore, daughter of actor John Barrymore, talks to Wallace about her own acting career, her alcoholism, her failed marriages, and her recent autobiography, Too Much, Too Soon.

  • S01E13 Glenn McCarthy

    • July 21, 1957

    Glenn McCarthy, the legendary Texas oil millionaire, talks to Wallace about money, gambling, fighting, and the Hollywood film Giant, which some say is the story of his life.

  • S01E14 Senator James Eastland

    • July 28, 1957

    Senator James Eastland of Mississippi, who has been called "The Voice of the White South," talks to Wallace about segregation, slavery, the Soviet Union, voting rights laws, and the Ku Klux Klan. NOTE: This interview contains language that may be offensive to some people.

  • S01E15 Bob Feller

    • August 4, 1957

    Bob Feller, one of the great baseball pitchers of all time, talks to Wallace about ballplayers' salaries, the reserve clause, rich ball clubs, Pay TV, beer companies as sponsors, bean balls, gambling, and Joe DiMaggio versus Ted Williams.

  • S01E16 Dagmar

    • August 11, 1957

    Dagmar, statuesque comedienne, one of the first major female stars on television, famous for her "dumb blonde" persona, talks to Wallace about her career, psychoanalysis, tranquilizers, and television.

  • S01E17 Fred Otash

    • August 25, 1957

    Fred Otash, a private investigator in Hollywood, California, talks to Wallace about his work for Confidential Magazine, morality, informers, and invasion of privacy.

  • S01E18 Frank Lloyd Wright

    • September 1, 1957

    This interview was recorded in two parts. Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the greatest architects of the 20th century, talks to Wallace about religion, war, mercy killing, art, critics, his mile-high skyscraper, America's youth, sex, morality, politics, nature, and death.

  • S01E19 Eddie Arcaro

    • September 8, 1957

    Eddie Arcaro, the most celebrated jockey in America, winner of 5 Kentucky Derbys and 22 million dollars in purses over a 25-year career, talks with Wallace about horse racing, gambling, drugging of horses, and the pressure to win.

  • S01E20 George Jessel

    • September 14, 1957

    George Jessel, veteran comedian, talks to Wallace about television, Jimmie Hoffa and the Teamsters Union, fame, Jewish performers, relationships, and his desire to be named ambassador to Israel.

  • S01E21 Orval Faubus

    • September 15, 1957

    Orval Faubus, governor of Arkansas, talks to Wallace from the Governor's mansion in Little Rock during his standoff with the Federal Government over the integration of Little Rock Central High School. Faubus had called in the National Guard to bar the African-American students from the school and had met the day before this interview with President Eisenhower in an effort to resolve the conflict.

  • S01E22 Margaret Sanger

    • September 21, 1957

    Margaret Sanger, the leader of the birth control movement in America, talks to Wallace about why she became an advocate for birth control, over-population, the Catholic Church, and morality.

  • S01E23 Lili St. Cyr

    • October 5, 1957

    Lili St. Cyr, America's leading strip teaser, talks to Wallace about her attitude towards the men who come see her perform, her attitude towards her profession, show business, and flying saucers.

  • S01E24 General George Kenney

    • October 12, 1957

    Retired Air Force General George Kenney talks to Wallace about the Soviet Earth Satellite, Sputnik, which had recently launched, and why he believed it would bring the nation very close to a third world war.

  • S01E25 Malcolm Muggeridge

    • October 19, 1957

    Malcolm Muggeridge, former editor of Punch Magazine and one of England's leading intellectuals, talks to Wallace about his article in The Saturday Evening Post in which he created an international furor by criticizing Queen Elizabeth.

  • S01E26 Carmen Basilio

    • October 26, 1957

    Carmen Basilio, middle weight boxing champion of the world, had recently won his crown after a savage fight with Sugar Ray Robinson. Basilio talks to Wallace about Robinson, whether boxing should be outlawed due to its brutality, and organized crime's influence on boxing.

  • S01E27 Kirk Douglas

    • November 2, 1957

    Kirk Douglas, a film star who had recently completed two films, Paths of Glory and The Vikings, talks to Wallace about acting, fame, the charge that Hollywood films misrepresent America abroad, Nazis, Communists, and European versus American women.

  • S01E28 Diana Dors

    • November 9, 1957

    Diana Dors, England's answer to Brigitte Bardot and Marilyn Monroe, talks to Wallace about England's attitude toward sex, publicity stunts, the entertainment business, and the price of fame.

  • S01E29 Elsa Maxwell

    • November 16, 1957

    Elsa Maxwell, syndicated gossip columnist and professional party hostess, talks to Wallace about Elvis Presley, Nikita Kruschev, Jane Mansfield, alcohol, society, immorality, The Duchess of Windsor, Cleveland Amory, and Greta Garbo.

  • S01E30 Eleanor Roosevelt

    • November 23, 1957

    Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady, talks to Wallace about Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Republicans, Democrats, the Soviet Union, Westbrook Pegler, her son's relationship with Dominican leader Rafael Trujillo, race, and garlic pills.

  • S01E31 Bennett Cerf

    • November 30, 1957

    Bennett Cerf, president of Random House publishers and long-time panelist on the game show What's My Line, talks to Wallace about what is wrong with television, reading, and censorship.

  • S01E32 Drew Pearson

    • December 7, 1957

    Drew Pearson, syndicated columnist, talks to Wallace about Sputnik, a third world war, Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, and about being called a vicious liar by prominent politicians.

  • S01E33 Edward Bennett Williams

    • December 14, 1957

    Edward Bennett Williams, a high-profile defense lawyer whose clients have included gambling czar Frank Costello, union boss Jimmy Hoffa, and Senator Joseph McCarthy, talks to Wallace about the United States justice system, civil liberties, the FBI, and the United States Supreme Court.

  • S01E34 Leonard Ross

    • December 21, 1957

    Leonard Ross, a 12-year-old California school boy who won a total of $164,000 on the game shows The Big Surprise and The Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Challenge, talks to Wallace about the effects of quiz shows on children, school, politics, eggheads, spanking, mothers, and Santa Claus.

  • S01E35 Alexander de Seversky

    • December 28, 1957

    Alexander de Seversky, Russian-born World War I flying ace who served as a consultant to the U.S. government and helped revolutionize aerial warfare in World War II, talks to Wallace about the United States military, the Soviet military, and the possibility of nuclear war.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Jean Seberg

    • January 4, 1958

    Film star Jean Seberg, whose first film, Saint Joan, was panned by the critics, talks to Wallace about her new film, Bonjour Tristesse, critics, acting in Hollywood, and private life.

  • S02E02 Nobel Prize Winners

    • January 11, 1958

    In this special telecast from the American Nobel Anniversary Committee Dinner and Forum at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York, Dr. Linus Pauling, Pearl S. Buck, Clarence Pickett, and Sir John Boyd Orr talk about peace in a world threatened by war.

  • S02E03 John Gates

    • January 18, 1958

    John Gates, editor of the Communist Daily Worker and a leader in the Communist Party in the United States for 27 years, talks to Wallace about why he quit the Communist Party.

  • S02E04 Walter Reuther

    • January 25, 1958

    Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers, talks to Wallace about his plan for profit sharing for auto workers, which was being attacked as a "giant step toward socialism."

  • S02E05 Fulton Lewis J:r

    • February 1, 1958

    Fulton Lewis J:r, conservative newspaper and radio commentator, talks to Wallace about the right wing in America, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, General Douglas MacArthur, Francisco Franco, Adlai Stevenson, Joseph McCarthy, Eisenhower Republicans, and Democratic Liberals.

  • S02E06 Pearl Buck

    • February 8, 1958

    Pearl Buck, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning novelist, talks to Wallace about American women, marriage, career versus family, and the difference between men and women.

  • S02E07 Ben Hecht

    • February 15, 1958

    Novelist, playwright, and noted Hollywood screenwriter Ben Hecht talks to Wallace about working in Hollywood, selling out, growing old, religion, and politics.

  • S02E08 Rudy Vallee

    • February 22, 1958

    Rudy Vallee, the American singer, bandleader, and actor, first of the great "crooners," and arguably the first mass media pop star, talks to Wallace about his career, his opinions about his fans, Hollywood, his friends, and his reputation for stinginess.

  • S02E09 Major Donald E. Keyhoe

    • March 8, 1958

    Former Marine Air Corps Major Donald Keyhoe, director of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, conducted an investigation of the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Keyhoe talks to Wallace about the United States military, reports of UFO sightings, the various theories explaining UFOs, government cover-ups, and the possibility of interplanetary war.

  • S02E10 Oscar Hammerstein II

    • March 15, 1958

    One of the most successful and controversial figures in show business and Broadway lyricist for such classics as Oklahoma!, The King and I, and South Pacific, Oscar Hammerstein II talks to Wallace about sentimentality, racism, religion, and politics.

  • S02E11 Tony Perkins

    • March 22, 1958

    Tony Perkins, the young Hollywood star, talks to Wallace about unflattering news stories, Hollywood, Manhattan, loneliness, religion, freedom, and the beat generation.

  • S02E12 Peter Ustinov

    • March 29, 1958

    Peter Ustinov, actor, playwright, director, and novelist, talks to Wallace about a variety of subjects including the monarchy versus the presidency, death, education, sex, money, advertising, and fame.

  • S02E13 Lillian Roth

    • April 5, 1958

    Lillian Roth, the singer whose brutally frank autobiography I'll Cry Tomorrow was made into an Academy Award-winning film with Susan Hayward, talks to Wallace about her battle with alcoholism, religion, psychoanalysis, Alcoholics Anonymous, and her new book, Beyond My Worth.

  • S02E14 Abba Eban

    • April 12, 1958

    As Israel celebrates its tenth anniversary, Abba Eban, Israel's ambassador to the United States, talks to Wallace about Arab nations, the Arab refugee problem, Egypt's President Nasser, Jews in America, and the charge that Israel threatens world peace with a policy of territorial expansion.

  • S02E15 Salvador Dali

    • April 19, 1958

    Salvador Dali, the surrealist painter, talks to Wallace about genius, the subconscious, weakness, old age and luxury, death, religion, and dreams.

  • S02E16 Reinhold Niebuhr

    • April 27, 1958

    Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, vice president of Union Theological Seminary in New York, on leave to the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and one of the most important and challenging religious thinkers in the world, talks to Wallace about the separation between church and state, Catholicism, Protestantism, anti-Semitism, communism, and nuclear war.

  • S02E17 William O. Douglas

    • May 11, 1958

    William Douglas, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, talks with Wallace about freedom of expression and the freedom to exchange ideas. In Douglas's book, The Right of the People, he wrote, "In recent years, as we have denounced the loss of liberties abroad we have witnessed its decline here in America."

  • S02E18 Cyrus Eaton

    • May 17, 1958

    Cyrus Eaton, a successful Cleveland industrialist and businessman and outspoken critic of the United States' foreign and military policies, talks to Wallace about how Americans' freedoms are being destroyed by the Cold War.

  • S02E19 Aldous Huxley

    • May 18, 1958

    Aldous Huxley, social critic and author of Brave New World, talks to Wallace about threats to freedom in the United States, overpopulation, bureaucracy, propaganda, drugs, advertising, and television.

  • S02E20 Erich Fromm

    • May 25, 1958

    Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst and social critic, talks to Wallace about society, materialism, relationships, government, religion, and happiness.

  • S02E21 Adlai Stevenson

    • June 1, 1958

    Adlai Stevenson, former governor of Illinois and twice the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States, talks to Wallace about American politics, the difficulty in persuading good people to become involved in politics, diversity, elections, and the need for the average citizen to be involved in government.

  • S02E22 Sylvester Weaver

    • June 8, 1958

    Sylvester "Pat" Weaver, former president of the National Broadcasting Company, creator of such television programs as Wide Wide World, Today, and Tonight, talks to Wallace about television, management, advertising, and the social function of television.

  • S02E23 Francis Lally

    • June 22, 1958

    Monsignor Francis Lally, editor of one of the most influential Catholic newspapers in America, the Boston Pilot, talks to Wallace about a lack of understanding between Catholics and non-Catholics, the separation between church and state, dissent, diversity, and religion.

  • S02E24 Harry Ashmore

    • June 29, 1958

    Harry Ashmore, executive editor of the Arkansas Gazette in Little Rock and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for his forceful editorials denouncing the racist mobs during the desegregation conflict in Little Rock's high school, talks to Wallace about the integrity of journalists, the influence of advertisers and the government on the press, techniques of interviewing, and the desegregation of Little Rock High School.

  • S02E25 Charles Percy

    • July 6, 1958

    Charles Percy, president of Bell & Howell, talks to Wallace about the role of government in the economic system, about private enterprise's involvement in public services, tax reform, and the soviet economic system.

  • S02E26 Henry Kissinger

    • July 13, 1958

    Dr. Henry Kissinger, Associate Director of the Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, talks to Wallace about the United States' foreign and military policies, limited nuclear war, the Soviet Union, Algeria, the Middle East, and Republicans, including Richard Nixon.

  • S02E27 Robert Hutchins

    • July 20, 1958

    Dr. Robert Hutchins, former dean of the Yale Law School, former president of the University of Chicago, and president of the Fund for the Republic, talks to Wallace about freedom, illusion as an enemy of freedom, government, civil rights, and education.

  • S02E28 Henry Wriston

    • August 17, 1958

    Dr. Henry Wriston, president of the Council on Foreign Relations and former president of Brown University, talks to Wallace about the Middle East crisis, United States foreign policy, and the threat of nuclear war.

  • S02E29 Edward Weeks

    • August 24, 1958

    Edward Weeks, editor of the monthly magazine The Atlantic, talks to Wallace about "bigness," mass culture, tastemakers, advertising, and media.

  • S02E30 James McBride Dabbs

    • August 31, 1958

    James McBride Dabbs, South Carolinian, plantation owner, elder in the Presbyterian Church, president of the Southern Regional Council, and author of The Southern Heritage, talks to Wallace about the psychological burden of the Southerner, segregation, school integration, and the consequences of the Civil War.

  • S02E31 Mortimer Adler

    • September 7, 1958

    Mortimer Adler, president of the Institute for Philosophical Research, former professor of the philosophy of law at the University of Chicago, and author of The Idea of Freedom, talks to Wallace about conceptions of freedom, capitalism, socialism, and the American worker.

  • S02E32 Arthur Larson

    • September 14, 1958

    Arthur Larson, who resigned from the Eisenhower administration after having served as Undersecretary of Labor, Head of the United States Information Agency, and Special Assistant to the president, talks to Wallace about Eisenhower, the administration's social philosophy, politics, and the American way of life.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Ayn Rand

    • February 25, 1959

    Mike Wallace interviews Ayn Rand on her self-made philosophy, which Wallace calls Randism, but which Rand herself prefers to call Objectivism.

  • S03E02 Ethel Waters

    • April 24, 1959

    Wallace interviews Ethel Waters, who was then appearing in New York City at the Renata Theatre in "An Evening with Ethel Waters."

  • S03E03 Rod Serling

    • September 22, 1959

    Rod Serling, was a pioneer of cutting edge TV famous for (later) creating The Twilight Zone. His reputation as a the angry young man of Hollywood is finely illustrated in this probing interview by Mike Wallace. He discusses censorship and his belief that the medium of television has the power to inspire and provoke.

Season 4