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Season 1

  • S01E01 He Can Sing?!

    • April 25, 2020

    Jake has always dreamed of being a singer, and he’s a pretty good one. But in order to fit in with his mean-spirited friends, he partakes in picking on the music club members, all the while secretly mourning for an escape to be himself and sing to his heart’s content. But when the music club announces that it will be taking part in a school band competition, will Jake muster up the courage to audition?

  • S01E02 Trust Issues

    • May 20, 2020

    Jake has officially joined the Music Club! But a conflict is already rising… Zander cannot forgive Jake for his past actions and refuses to rehearse with him. Will Jake be able to show Zander that he’s taking the competition seriously? And what will his Jake’s friends think of him becoming a music freak?

  • S01E03 Pink-Haired Devil

    • June 28, 2020

    Jake walks into school one morning to find Milly in a fight with Zoey! And after being on the recieving end of her fist, he realises that something isn't right... And if they don't do something about it, Milly won't be allowed to compete in the band competition! What's Milly so upset about, and will the music club be able to perform with their main guitarist?

  • S01E04 Lovesick Luke

    • August 7, 2020

    Progress in the club seems to be going well for the music freaks, and Jake's chances of winning Daisy's affections seems promising! But the band's drummer, Luke, seems down in the dumps about something... Who is Luke's mystery crush, and will Jake be able to help him convey his feelings to them?

  • S01E05 A Drummer's Confession

    • November 7, 2020

    Jake's world comes to a standstill when he discovers that the club president, Hailey, can actually sing! And she's pretty good as well... How will our lead singer feel about this? Meanwhile, tension is high between the music club's drummer and pianist, after Zander discovers that Luke has been harbouring a crush. Will Luke's love song get through to his childhood friend, or will the rift between them continue to grow?

  • S01E06 Misfortunate Day Out

    • July 2, 2021

    The music club is rehearsing hard with the band competition soon approaching! But when they take a break at the mall, an important item of Sean's goes missing! Will the gang be able to help their DJ find it, and will Jake be able to hide from Drew and his homies during their search?

  • S01E07 Out in the Open

    • August 14, 2021

    After a stress-inducing search for Sean's laptop at the mall, the music club members part ways to return home. But on Sean's way home, he comes across someone he hadn't expected to see, and in such a state! Meanwhile, Hailey catches onto Jake's sad demeanor, and tries to get him to open up.

  • S01E08 Scared of the Spotlight

    • August 27, 2021

    Jake has resolved to sing a duet with Hailey for the band competition! But... she doesn't want to?! What's holding her back, and will she be able to take a step in the spotlight next to Jake?

  • S01E09 Wavering Between

    • March 26, 2022

    Jake is caught in the crossfire between his two friend groups and must now make a decision: stay in the club after the competition, or leave to keep his old friends happy. Will he dig himself deeper into the mess he's in, or will he be able to talk things out with both sides and keep his place in the club?

  • S01E10 KARMA

    • December 10, 2022

    Shunned by the music club and fooled by his "friends". When all hope seems lost, will anyone hear Jake out?

  • S01E11 A Singer's Resolve

    • July 15, 2023

    Jake is determined to right his wrongs, but whispers begin filling the corridors after the damning audio is leaked. With the band competition just around the corner, is it too late for a happy resolution?