This animated version of "The Odd Couple" features Paul Winchell as Fleabag (a slovenly, rude dog) and Frank Nelson as Spiffy (a finicky, neatnik cat) who live together in a home that's half mansion and half run-down shack. They try to get along, but the lazy and unorganized way that Fleabag lives his life -- and the orderly persnickety ways of Spiffy -- are almost too much for either to tolerate. They share a place of business where the antics of trying to get along continues.
2 personnages que tout oppose, un chien négligé et un chat dandy, vivent sous le même toit. Sac A Puces est plutôt du genre bordélique et aime les vêtements décontractés. Jolicoeur aime les tenues chics et cultive l'art de vivre. Leur cohabitation est prétexte aux situations cocasses.