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Season 2016

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 Super Mario Galaxy’s DEADLY Physics!

    • January 21, 2017
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    Super Mario Galaxy has got to be one of the best Mario games around - with its unique level design and interesting use of mechanics. But when you get down to the science of it, it has also got to be one of the most dangerous places in all of gaming. We break down the scientific implications of having all of those cosmic bodies so close together and with so much gravity.

  • S2017E02 The SECRET Rhythms of DARK SOULS!

    • February 14, 2017
    • YouTube

    DARK SOULS is a spectacular game, but beating the bosses is no easy feat. This is especially true when it comes to the Dancer of the Boreal Valley. Why is she so difficult to overcome?! We explore the game's score and rhythm to reveal exactly what's going on with the hardest Boss in Dark Souls.

  • S2017E03 WARNING: Portals Kill

    • March 9, 2017
    • YouTube

    What is the physics behind PORTAL?! The answers and consequences are–you guessed it–TERRIFYING! But the Wild Space-Time Ideas behind the game are about as Cool as it gets. We cover black holes, worm holes, and negative mass to reveal the THE SCIENCE of Portal!


    • March 28, 2017
    • YouTube

    During this episode, we’re trying to do something a little different. Instead of no G D Sensing everywhere, we’re going to try our absolute best to explain exactly how Tracer and her powers work because the basic truth of the matter is that sometimes science confounds logic as we've come to understand it.

  • S2017E05 Proof Batman Kills, A LOT!

    • April 18, 2017
    • YouTube

    BATMAN is our favorite childhood Hero, but he is also the WORST SUPERHERO OF ALL TIME! His interactions with Gotham criminals are insanely violent–especially in the Arkham Asylum series. The implications of this and what it means for Batman's extralegal status are TERRIFYING! We explain the Science behind Batman's lethal battle tactics!

  • S2017E06 How to DOWNLOAD A BRAIN!

    • May 4, 2017
    • YouTube

    Will Androids and computers ever be as Smart as people? Maybe! NIER: AUTOMATA explore this very subject with its main character–the android, YoRHa. She is a brilliant, beautiful, and strong-as-hell woman…android. But like all amazing things, she can be destroyed. However, this is no problem because YoRHa consistently saves the contents of her brain throughout the game. Wait. Is this sort of brain back-up even probable?! It’s not as crazy as it sounds. We explain the SCIENCE of how to digitally save the contents of a human brain!

  • S2017E07 The ABSURD Physics of Hello Neighbor's House

    • May 26, 2017
    • YouTube

    HELLO NEIGHBOR is one of the coolest games out there, and most of the intrigue comes from the INSANE house that only gets crazier in every Alpha! But can a house as whimsical and cartoony as this one actually stand upright? Probably not! We explain the SCIENCE behind the Neighbor's wildly gigantic house!

  • S2017E08 Pokémon: Friends or VICTIMS?

    • June 20, 2017
    • YouTube

    Pokémon are ultra-powerful, ultra-cute, and ultra-... abused? We address the science behind how Pokéballs work, and more importantly how these tiny devices are the key behind why Pokémon are so willing to fight for their trainers. Just what happens inside those Pokéballs? The answers are downright TERRIFYING!

  • S2017E09 The TRUE POWER of UNDERTALE Souls!

    • July 15, 2017
    • YouTube

    UNDERTALE is one of the greatest games ever made, and the bosses are some of the best and most difficult. But what makes the Monsters so powerful? We know that Human souls are much stronger than the souls of Monsters, but that doesn't seem to slow them down. We dive deep into the Underground to investigate the history and power of Souls, Monsters, and Humans in the world of Undertale!

  • S2017E10 The DEADLY Physics of Doomfist!

    • August 10, 2017
    • YouTube

    DOOMFIST is Finally here! And he is quickly punching his way into our hearts. Or it might be more accurate to say, through our hearts. Because the force behind this dude's punches is darn right terrifying! I honestly think I'd rather be hit by a car. Why you ask? We’ll answer that one.

  • S2017E11 Can FNAF Kill You IRL?

    • September 10, 2017
    • YouTube

    Scott Cawthon and the FNAF franchise have perfected jump scares –to the point where I will hide behind furniture in fear! This begs the question: How much can fear affect us? Could Freddy and Chica literally scare You to death?! Don’t worry, we have the answer. In this episode, we find out if FNAF can give You a Heart Attack!

  • S2017E12 How the Metroids DOOMED Us All!

    • September 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    METROID is one of Nintendo's best franchises, and the alien species created in its universe are some of the coolest beings ever! But if we're honest, so many of the major galactic problems in the games could've been avoided if The Chozo had just left Parasite X well alone. In this episode, we explain why and how The Chozo are responsible for virtually all of the problems Samus faces in the Metroid Universe.

  • S2017E13 Minecraft's Enderman Are NOT What We Thought!

    • October 24, 2017
    • YouTube

    If you're not a regular MINECRAFT player, you may not know about the otherworldly beings called Endermen. They have the ability to teleport and they attack if you look them in the eye, but how do they get this ability to warp through space? Where do they come from? And what do they want?! We explore the SCIENCE of the Endermen to reveal an answer to one of Minecraft's central mysteries!

  • S2017E14 The DEADLY Physics of the Halo Rings!

    • November 21, 2017
    • YouTube

    Since our nerdy teenage years, we had wanted to live on a Halo Ring. But that dream may have just come to an end! We’ll reveal THE SCIENCE behind how these Halo Rings work and what that means for anyone who manages to land on one. The results are not so great.

  • S2017E15 Zelda’s INSANE WEATHER!

    • December 19, 2017
    • YouTube

    Breath of the Wild has thrown a lot of curve balls lately! With BOTW’s Champions Ballad DLC and the addition of a MOTORCYCLE, things in the Zelda universe are getting quite bizarre. However, nothing is quite as bizarre and unpredictable as the weather in this game. After countless thunder-related injuries, we finally cracked the truth behind these super storms.

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Getting Over It's IMPOSSIBLE PHYSICS!

    • January 4, 2018
    • YouTube

    Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is probably the most famous rage-inducing game of 2017, but how does it really work? Seriously, what is the science behind a man stuck in a cauldron lifting himself up a mountain? We hunt for the answers, but it turns out that the SCIENCE of Getting Over It might be quite difficult for him to get over.

  • S2018E02 How Mario Can Fly – SOLVED!

    • January 26, 2018
    • YouTube

    Nintendo makes some of the best games and characters ever conceived for video games. However, there are some things that don't quite make sense – particularly when it comes to Mario and his unbelievable ability to FLY LIKE A BIRD! We will reveal the SCIENCE behind Mario's flying ability, making an HISTORICAL DISCOVERY along the way!

  • S2018E03 MONIKA: Google's Newest Creation!

    • February 15, 2018
    • YouTube

    Doki Doki Literature Club, for all it's amazing narrative elements, is actually one of the most thorough predictors of the future. Tech giants have been working on AI for decades now, and they are WAY closer to creating a real-life Monika than you think.

  • S2018E04 How to SUCCEED in the Overwatch League

    • March 22, 2018
    • YouTube

    How you ever wondered what makes a "Pro Gamer"? Is it their skills? Their dedication? Or is it simply the way they are wired? We’re going to teach you about the SECRET behind the professional gaming success!!

  • S2018E05 Minecraft DECODED! How Many Diamonds Exist?

    • April 26, 2018
    • YouTube

    Minecraft's world is GIGANTIC! There are endless options to create your own, personalized world. But how many options are there? We’re going to answer that question...with DIAMONDS!!!

  • S2018E06 Link's ULTIMATE Weapon is.... Wind?

    • May 17, 2018
    • YouTube

    We've covered how CRAZY the Weather in Zelda really is, but what if someone could control that weather? OH WAIT!! Someone CAN! In Wind Waker, Link is given the ability to manipulate weather and the ability to change from day to night at will. Except, that's a BAD IDEA. We’re going to tell you why giving Link Wind Waker was the worst idea EVER!!

  • S2018E07 The Move That BROKE Pokémon!

    • May 31, 2018
    • YouTube

    Payday, a seemingly useless attack move in Pokémon that has CRAZY potential. If you cheat the system, it could make you RICH. Except, you could also be destroying the entire economic system of the game. Yeah, jerk move. We’re going to show you how cheating the game could have HUGE consequences.

  • S2018E08 Kingdom Hearts Timeline - NOT What You Thought!

    • June 14, 2018
    • YouTube

    Kingdom Hearts fans know that one of the biggest mysteries of the entire series is what the HECK is up with the timeline. There have been many theories out there trying to work out the kinks but today, we’re here to tell you why they are ALL WRONG. The key to this WHOLE time travel!

  • S2018E09 How STRONG is the Smash Bros Home Run Bat?

    • July 12, 2018
    • YouTube

    Super Smash Bros is one of the most iconic Nintendo games. The crossover, the crazy levels and powers, and the special items you get to SMASH your friends into the void. We’re going to tell you the STRENGTH of one of Smash Bros most iconic items - the Home-Run Bat!

  • S2018E10 How to SURVIVE A Nuclear Fallout!

    • August 2, 2018
    • YouTube

    Fallout paints a picture of a desolate world, populated by the sparse remains of humanity. We’re going to figure out how ACCURATE the world of Fallout REALLY is. Would humanity be gone? Are we DOOMED? Let's find out!

  • S2018E11 The End of WoW? Why Azeroth is DOOMED!

    • August 16, 2018
    • YouTube

    A giant SWORD was plunged into the world of Azeroth and yet all the characters seem perfectly content mining the blood of their planet. After all, life goes on. Right? Wrong! Heck the Battle for Azeroth may have ended before it even began. We’re calculating just how much damage that sword actually did to the planet of Azeroth. Is this the end of the World of Warcraft?

  • S2018E12 How The Fortnite Battle Bus Works - SOLVED!

    • September 13, 2018
    • YouTube

    Fortnite is dominating the internet. A battle royale game where a giant floating bus drops you in an area to fight to the last standing player. Wait... a giant floating bus? Is that even possible?! Well Theorists, today we're going to find out if you could float a bus full of people like the Fornite Battle Bus in REAL LIFE!

  • S2018E13 Warning! Spiderman Will Leave You BROKEN!

    • October 2, 2018
    • YouTube

    Spider-Man is everyone's favorite neighborhood hero. He swings in, saves the day, and exits with a joke. EXCEPT he's actually one of the most ruthless heroes out there! Today Austin is going to see exactly how much strength Spider-Man is using on his enemies. I don't think they are going to walk this off...

  • S2018E14 Proof Minecraft Steve Has UNLIMITED Power!

    • October 18, 2018
    • YouTube

    Who is the most POWERFUL character to ever exist? Today Theorists, we find out how Minecraft created the strongest character of all time. Don't believe me? Let Austin tell you.

  • S2018E15 How Fortnite TRICKS Your Brain!

    • November 1, 2018
    • YouTube

    Epic Games hit the JACKPOT when they released Fortnite. I've talked a LOT about Fortnite, but there are still SO MANY questions about how this game came to be so popular. Today, Austin is going to dive even DEEPER into how Epic Games took over the internet.

  • S2018E16 The Pokemon Move That Will END The World!

    • November 27, 2018
    • YouTube

    If you've seen anything Pokemon, you know these pocket monsters have some CRAZY moves. Which of these moves is the most DANGEROUS? Today Theorists, Austin is going deep into the reality of the destruction caused by our favorite superpowered pals. What move will reign supreme? Let's find out!

  • S2018E17 Diagnosing Deltarune! Kris is NOT Evil!

    • December 6, 2018
    • YouTube

    The story of Deltarune is a sad one. Kris, our main character, is alone, isolated, and lashing out. At least, that's the picture we get when we talk to the people of the town. Today, Austin is exploring what is going on with Kris.

  • S2018E18 The BIGGEST Mistake of Fallout 76 EXPLAINED!

    • December 20, 2018
    • YouTube

    Fallout 76 had a rough start. Still, their biggest mistake may not have been all of that pre-order nonsense. It may have been in the world of Fallout 76 itself! Today, Austin is going to tell you just what's going on in the world outside of Vault 76!

Season 2019

  • S2019E01 Mario's CRAZY Strength SOLVED!

    • January 3, 2019
    • YouTube

    Mario slams bricks with his fist everyday, and we just take it for granted. Well not anymore! Today, Austin discovers the insane block-breaking strength of Mario's punch.

  • S2019E02 No Cowboy is Safe! Red Dead's Biggest THREAT!

    • January 17, 2019
    • YouTube

    In Red Dead Redemtion 2 you play as Arthur Morgan, a sharp shooting outlaw... who gets infected with tuberculosis. Before this game, I didn't think too much about this disease. Oh boy, this things is INSANE! Not only is it a danger to the cowboys in this game, but YOU too! Let Austin TERRIFY you as we explore the SCIENCE of RDR2!

  • S2019E03 How Subnautica Proved Humans Are Going Extinct!

    • February 19, 2019
    • YouTube

    Subnautica has a vast and beautiful underwater world to explore, full of many interesting creatures. Some of them are simple, like the Peepers, while others have evolved further along the consciousness spectrum like the Leviathans. Today, Austin is exploring how these creatures can help us determine the fate of human existence. Are we "intelligent" life forms lucky or is it going to be our downfall? Let's see if smarts are all they're cracked up to be in the grand scheme of the universe. It's time to dive in to the SCIENCE of Subnautica!

  • S2019E04 Mario vs Minecraft! Who is Gaming's RICHEST?

    • March 7, 2019
    • YouTube

    Video games have many things to do and one of the things players try to do most is become RICH! Austin wanted to know which game allows you to become the RICHEST out of all of them? Today he's starting his journey with games like Mario, Minecraft, Fallout, and more. Who will bank the most gold? Let's find out!

  • S2019E05 Apex Legends STRONGEST Legend: Why Wraith Cannot Lose!

    • March 21, 2019
    • YouTube

    This is the first time we are covering the behemoth that is Apex Legends on this channel and we have our eyes set on Wraith. She is a complex character with a unique set of powers. One of which is the ability to predict what her opponents are going to do... sort of! Today Austin is going to tell you just what is behind the future predicting powers of Wraith in Apex Legends!

  • S2019E06 Mario, DON'T JUMP! Calculating the Danger of the Yoshi Sacrifice!

    • April 4, 2019
    • YouTube

    We all know Mario is a jerk, especially to his "friends". Like poor Yoshi, who is forced to give him a ride only to be shoved down into the pits in favor of helping Mario survive. Oh, you don't remember that part? Well today Austin is here to explain how sacrificing Yoshi to help you jump higher is the WORST thing you could do to this lovable green dinosaur.

  • S2019E07 Minecraft is DOOMED! How the Nether Portal PROVES Minecraft's End!

    • April 25, 2019
    • YouTube

    One of the most fascinating things in Minecraft is the Nether. It is a place you can only get to with the right materials and then you are transported through a PORTAL to a whole other world! That is such a crazy mechanic for this game to include. So much so, in fact, that Austin decided to figure out just how the Nether and the Minecraft overworld co-exist the way they do. Theorists, things do NOT look good for our favorite mining planet.

  • S2019E08 How To SURVIVE Life On Mars!

    • May 16, 2019
    • YouTube

    The game Surviving Mars lets us see what it would be like to manage living on the planet. Today Austin wanted to explore the ups and downs of terraforming Mars in real life. Could we ACTUALLY do it? Theorists, it's time to find out if Mars could be the next home of human civilization!

  • S2019E09 FNAF was right! Ennard's Bodysuit Actually Works!

    • June 18, 2019
    • YouTube

    There is a lot to unpack about the FNAF franchise. From the possessed animatronics to wearing a guy like a three piece suit, this series goes to some crazy places. Today, Austin is going to tackle the latter. Could Ennard wear a Purple Guy suit like in FNAF Sister Location or would it be a gross mess? What a question! Let's find out!

  • S2019E10 You CAN'T CURVE BULLETS! What the Mythbusters MISSED

    • June 22, 2019
    • YouTube

  • S2019E11 Portal: The Boots Are A LIE!

    • July 4, 2019
    • YouTube

    One of the questions people have been asking for the LONGEST time is finally being answer TODAY. Do Portal's Long Fall Boots actually work? In the game we see Chell jumping from crazy heights, at insane speeds, and landing with no injury to her body in sight. To be honest, looking at those glorified socks it is hard to believe these devices could work. Today Austin is going to finally put an end to this debate - with SCIENCE!

  • S2019E12 Why Starters Are DISAPPEARING!

    • July 20, 2019
    • YouTube

    There are MANY mysteries in the world of Pokemon, and one I've always wondered about is - "Why are Pokemon Starters so rare?" When you start your Pokemon journey and get to choose your travel buddy, we learn that starters are difficult to find in the wild. Today Austin is going to uncover the secrets of Pokemon starters and why they may be going EXTINCT!

  • S2019E13 The Secret Ingredient in Kindergarten's Poison Nuggets!

    • August 10, 2019
    • YouTube

    With the release of Kindergarten 2, we had to take a look back on the game that started it all. There are lots of ways to go in Kindergarten - if you know what I mean. Crazy janitors, students with lasers, and so much more. Today, Austin is focusing on one particular means of elimination - Nugget's poison nuggets! We want to know the secret ingredient! Today we will analyze this meaty delicacy to figure out the dangerous recipe!

  • S2019E14 Minecraft, Your World Has A BIG Problem!

    • September 7, 2019
    • YouTube

    How much more is there to say about Minecraft? A lot it turns out. Have you ever wondered about the day and night cycle of the Minecraft world? It is fascinating... in the horrifying way video game science always ends up being. Today, Austin is going to show you just how scary the Minecraft world really is and why there would be no survivors.

  • S2019E15 Pokemon vs Fallout! Who's Getting PAID?

    • October 8, 2019
    • YouTube

    You wanted to know gamin's richest character and Austin is BACK to figure it out! Is a Pokemon Master richer than the Sims? Could Geralt from The Witch buy out all of Skyrim? That is the economic mystery we aim to figure out today!

  • S2019E16 Dissecting Monsters! Could Giant Beasts ACTUALLY Exist?

    • October 22, 2019
    • YouTube

    Dauntless is a free to play game about hunting giant monsters and believe me when I say that these monsters are EPIC! Can you imagine living in a world where giant Behemoths are casually strolling by on the regular? Think about it! Today, Austin is doing just that. He is going to figure out if these crazy monsters could actually exist and survive in our world! Get your monster hunting gear ready Theorists! SUBSCRIBE to Catch all the Theories!

  • S2019E17 FNAF AR, Can Your Phone STOP a Killer Animatronic?

    • November 7, 2019
    • YouTube

    FNAF AR Special Delivery is coming out soon, and there's not too much information out yet about the game. But that isn't going to stop Austin from diving right in! Today on The SCIENCE, Austin explores the question of whether or not your phone could actually be used as an effective weapon against animatronics in this "real-world" FNAF game.

  • S2019E18 These Pokemon are HUNTING Humans!

    • November 19, 2019
    • YouTube

    The release of Pokemon: Sword and Shield has brought on a plethora of new Pokemon. Specifically, a lot of sweet, dessert themed Pokemon. Cakes, ice cream, milk - oh my! Today, Austin is focusing on one that may be the most DANGEROUS Pokemon the games have ever had.- Alcremie. What makes this cute pocket monster so dangerous? Let's find out!

  • S2019E19 Is Darth Vader REALLY That STRONG?!

    • December 19, 2019
    • YouTube

    The most famous icon from Star Wars is arguably Darth Vader. You see him everywhere and his story is pretty much the center of all the main movies. He is synonymous with power - what with the force chokes and other crazy tricks he pulls in the series and it's other properties. Today, Austin is going to figure out just how powerful Darth Vader really is and if he may just be the most powerful character in Star Wars.

Season 2020

  • S2020E01 The Final Proof that Minecraft ISN'T FLAT!

    • January 16, 2020
    • YouTube

    Austin and I have both covered - and DISPROVED - the popular theory that the Minecraft world is flat, but apparently that was not enough! Today, Austin is going to prove once and for all that the world of Minecraft is just as round as our Earth! He's got the evidence, he's got the science. and he's got the will to keep on calculating!

  • S2020E02 Exploding Barrels Are a LIE!

    • February 20, 2020
    • YouTube

    Looking back on Doom in preparation for Doom Eternal coming out, I've noticed that, like so many other video games, it has barrels that explode when you hit them. Why IS that? What makes there barrels explode - no, SHOULD these barrels explode? Today, Austin is diving head first into the science behind exploding barrels! From Doom to Donkey Kong, no barrel will be safe! Get your fuses ready Theorists, we are about to ignite your mind!

  • S2020E03 Proof the Legend of Zelda is Earth's Future!

    • March 12, 2020
    • YouTube

    We've done a LOT of theories on Legend of Zelda and it's many games. Today, Austin is figuring out something we have never tried to do - finding out the ORIGIN of the world of Zelda. You see, he's been collecting reading the stars and collecting the evidence to PROVE that Hyrule and the rest of the world of Zelda is actually on EARTH! Get ready to have your world ROCKED!

  • S2020E04 Resident Evil, How Fast Would The Zombie Virus Spread?

    • April 2, 2020
    • YouTube

    Today, Austin is righting the wrongs of his past by recalculating the spread of the Resident Evil virus. Heck Resident Evil 3 just got a remake, so Austin thought now would be the perfect time for a Science of Resident Evil Remake. Not to mention it's relation to our own global outbreak!

  • S2020E05 How Deadly Is Sephiroth's Meteor in Final Fantasy 7

    • April 16, 2020
    • YouTube

    The Final Fantasy VII remake is finally out and that means it's time to talk for Austin to tackle something that has been on his mind for years! At the end of the game, when Sephiroth's meteor is slowly hurtling towards Gaia and it is up to you and the plot to stop it, you have to wonder - is it actually a big deal? Now, meteors are crazy destructive, but this thing is moving so slow! Today, Austin is going to see if this meteor was a dud or if the destruction would have ended the franchise for good!

  • S2020E06 Everything Wrong with Minecraft Lava!

    • May 7, 2020
    • YouTube

    The world of Minecraft is vast and right now we have plenty of time to explore it. Today, Austin is diving head first into the hot - or maybe not so hot - pools of Minecraft lava! Lava is one of the craziest things in the Minecraft world because when you look at it closely it makes NO SENSE! Get ready to have your brain melted!

  • S2020E07 The Big Lie of Animal Crossing Balloons!

    • June 4, 2020
    • YouTube

    Who doesn't like gifts? Getting gifts in Animal Crossing is always a great time, but Austin is here to rain on that parade like presents hurtling from the sky! Today, he wants to figure out if the Animal Crossing package delivery balloons would actually be a feasible way to get your mail! Will it float or will all your presents be lost at sea?

  • S2020E08 How Sonic Beat Gravity!

    • June 18, 2020
    • YouTube

    There is no end to the things we can about in the Sonic universe. Today, Austin is taking the reins on calling out the insane things that happen in the franchise... like the loop-de-loops he runs! How does Sonic run upside down? Is it safe? Does he actually run fast enough that this would work? Make sure your shoelaces are tied Theorists, because we've gotta go fast!

  • S2020E09 Do The Last of Us Part 2 Bottle Silencers Actually Work?

    • July 9, 2020
    • YouTube

    Video games try to get you to believe some CRAZY things, especially when it comes to technology. Now what does that have to do with The Last of Us, a game set in a post apocalyptic wasteland with technology rivaling that of the early 2000s? Today, Austin is talking about their makeshift weapon upgrades. Specifically the bottle silencers. Would these things actually work or are you just making yourself bait for some Clickers? Let's find out!

  • S2020E10 The FNAF Animatronics Are PSYCHIC!

    • July 28, 2020
    • YouTube

    We've explored so much about the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise on this channel that you'd think there was nothing left to cover. You'd be wrong! What if I told you there is proof that the FNAF animatronics like Foxy, Chika, and old Freddy Fazbear himself... are psychic? Hear me out! Or rather, listen as Austin explains the SCIENCE behind the psychic powers of FNAF animatronics.

  • S2020E11 The ONLY Way To Survive Fallout!

    • August 27, 2020
    • YouTube

    It's crazy to think about how the world of the Fallout games came to be. People had to survive a nuclear apocalypse! How did they do that?! What resources and skills would YOU need to be able to survive in a wasteland? Today Austin is diving back into the Fallout universe to find out! Let's see if we can show YOU how to survive a nuclear apocalypse - or die trying!

  • S2020E12 The Clumsy Physics Of Fall Guys!

    • September 10, 2020
    • YouTube

    Fall Guys is a game that looks like it SHOULD be an easy, joy filled experience. Yet, it's NOT! It is one of the most RAGE inducing games ever - and I know why! It's the controls! These little - well GIANT - beans control like toddlers learning to walk. Why is that? Today, Austin is going to tell us what is WRONG with Fall Guys!

  • S2020E13 How Princess Peach BEATS Gravity!

    • October 1, 2020
    • YouTube

    Remember how when Peach falls she actually uses her dress to float and slow her landings? That always seemed strange to me. How does her dress support her weight? Should we all be throwing out our parachutes and putting on our princess dresses instead? Today Loyal Theorists, Austin is going to get to the bottom of this Princess Peach mystery!

  • S2020E14 The Deadly Physics of GUM Ninjas!

    • October 29, 2020
    • YouTube

    Ninjala is kicking off Season 3 is a collaborative event with Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s hit song “Ninja Re Bang Bang - Steve Aoki Remix.” From October 28 through November 25, players will be able to purchase the BGM remix to play during battle, Kyary’s ninja outfit from her original music video, and a themed dance emote from the Specialty Shop! At some point in your life you've probably wanted to be a ninja, right? You wanted to be able to do all the cool stunts and have the amazing skills we see in movies. Well, what if there was a GUM that could help you have those skills? That's what happens in the world of Ninjala and I want to know how it WORKS! Today, Austin is going to answer that question and more!

  • S2020E15 Donkey Kong is DOOMED!

    • November 19, 2020
    • YouTube

    Donkey Kong Country uses a lot of over the top antics in it's gameplay. One of the most iconic of those things being the classic Donkey Kong Barrel Cannon. Now when I look at something crazy in a video game, I want to know if that thing would really WORK! Today Austin is going to do just that! Will Donkey Kong and company blast off into adventure or will they fall short and fall to their DOOM? It's time to find out!

  • S2020E16 Why Minecraft Will NEVER End!

    • December 10, 2020
    • YouTube

    We all know Minecraft is a BIG game. Not just in popularity, but in the scope of what you can do. You see, there are so many WAYS to play Minecraft... but how many? Would any one person ever be able to play every combination of the game in their lifetime? Today Austin is going to try to answer the question of "How BIG is Minecraft?"

Season 2021

  • S2021E01 How Mario DESTROYED His World!

    • January 21, 2021

    We've covered the problems with Mario's moon, now Austin is headed for the sun! Specifically, the suns that attack you in Super Mario Mario Bros. 3. You see, destroying a sun has consequences and Mario may have just doomed everyone! What happens when you destroy the sun? Well Theorists, the future of the Mushroom Kingdom is not looking bright...

  • S2021E02 Dissecting the Among Us Crewmate!

    • February 4, 2021
    • YouTube

    When the makers of Fall Guys released the picture showing us the interior biology of the Fall Guys, I had the obvious question - what the heck is THAT? After that moment of shock though, my thoughts turned to the other game with mysterious little characters. Yes, I am talking about Among Us. What is inside their suit? IS it a space suit? What ARE they? Today Theorists, Austin is going to figure that out for us!

  • S2021E03 The Secret Horror Behind Carrion's Monster

    • March 4, 2021
    • YouTube

    What's more fun than playing as a monster bent on eating humanity? Well, not much, but today Austin is going to try to top it! The monster you play in Carrion is often assumed to be an alien brought into this facility. Yet, there are many gruesome hints throughout the game that may prove we have all been too quick with our guesses. That's right, the origins of this monster are much more Earthly... and much more horrible. Take it away, Austin!

  • S2021E04 The Rare Pokemon Virus You WANT To Catch!

    • March 25, 2021
    • YouTube

    We've talked about shiny Pokemon, one of the rarest finds in any Pokemon game. Today, Austin is going a step further in the rare department. Theorists, have any of you ever heard of the Pokemon virus known as the Pokerus? I'm going to guess even some of the most fanatic of Pokemon fans watching this have not. What is the Pokerus? What does it do? And why, Theorists, do you WANT to catch it? Austin, take it away!

  • S2021E05 The Best Way To DESTROY Earth!

    • April 10, 2021
    • YouTube

    Theorists, what does it take to blow up a planet? That is the basis of the mobile game Solar Smash, finding the most creative ways to destroy the world. Today, Austin is going even further. He's going to try to figure out how accurate the death laser of Solar Smash is and how much power it would REALLY take to blow up a planet like the Earth.

  • S2021E06 Would Minecraft Steve STARVE to Death?

    • April 29, 2021
    • YouTube

    Today Theorists, we are once again diving stomach first into Minecraft. Eating is a core mechanic of the game and it raises a few questions. Questions like, for a person with as active of a lifestyle as Minecraft Steve, how many calories does he burn in a day and how much would that mean he needs to eat? Theorists, it is time to cook up a heaping helping of SCIENCE!

  • S2021E07 Pokemon's Biggest Scandal SOLVED! Who's Ash's Father?

    • May 13, 2021
    • YouTube

    It's happening. Theorists, today Austin is going to uncover the truth of the biggest scandal in Pokemon history. Who is the FATHER of Ash Ketchum? This has long been debated in the community. Well, with the help of SCIENCE, we are finally going to pin down this missing father. It is time to find Daddy Ketchum!

  • S2021E08 What FNAF's New Look Means For The Future of Gaming

    • June 3, 2021
    • YouTube

    When FNAF Security Breach announced that it would be using ray tracing for it's PS5 release, it raised one question. What the heck is ray tracing? Why is that a selling point and what does it mean for the future of FNAF and other games that use it like Minecraft? Today, Austin is going to dive into the world of computer graphics to see what the face of gaming is going to be in the near future and how that could be a great thing...or the worst!

  • S2021E09 The Dark Secret of Control's Shadow

    • July 1, 2021
    • YouTube

    Control is an experimental journey through not only a new world inhabited by beings called The Hiss, but through the mind of our protagonist. Jesse is the new director of an agency investigating the paranatural happenings in the world. She is chosen, not only for being in the right place at the moment, but because of her history with such events. Today, Austin is diving into the science that may explain exactly what happened to her and how she may have just created her own brother... Yes, you read that right.

  • S2021E10 How Deadly is an Angry Bird?

    • July 29, 2021
    • YouTube

    Let's talk about Angry Birds. No really! Today, Austin is going to answer a question I bet you didn't even know you had. Can a bird actually EXPLODE a pig, like in the mobile game? Theorists, get ready for a wild ride of an episode as we see if Angry Birds would work in real life!

  • S2021E11 Solving Minecraft's HOTTEST Mystery!

    • August 26, 2021
    • YouTube

    The Minecraft furnace. So basic that most of us probably never give it a second thought after we craft our first one. Well, Austin is NOT that guy. The Minecraft furnace can craft a plethora of items... but should that be possible? Now I'm not talking about the recipes for the items, but the heat it takes to melt them down. Today Austin is going to find out if the furnace is up to snuff or if the science will burn it to the ground!

  • S2021E12 Did Monika PROVE We're In A Simulation TOO

    • September 16, 2021
    • YouTube

    In Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! we learn that Monika was made aware of the simulated nature of her reality. This knowledge broke her mind and caused the game that we know and love. Today, Austin wants to dive head first into the simulation and see if the nature in which Monika detects the artificiality of her reality can be used to figure out if WE are in a simulation!

  • S2021E13 How Powerwash Simulator HACKED Your Brain!

    • October 2, 2021
    • YouTube

    Powerwash Simulator was an unexpected hit. Not that the game isn't fun, it is, but it is also so much more than that. The game is SATISFYING. You know, in that way that your brain kind of zones out and just... enjoys the ride. Why is that? What makes a game, like Powerwash Simulator, so satisfying to play? Today Austin is going to try and answer that question while I go rewatch all of Markiplier's playthrough videos again...

  • S2021E14 The Science of Pokemon's Deadliest Attack!

    • October 21, 2021
    • YouTube

    Have you ever seen a Pokemon use a move and think, why did this happen? Well, that was what happened to Austin! Today, he's going to figure out the science of one of Pokemon's weirdest and most deadly moves, Voltorb's self-destruct! Why do something so... self-destructive, instead of something else? Well, it may actually make a lot of sense...

  • S2021E15 Minecraft, The Dangerous Cost of a Single Minecraft Chest?

    • November 11, 2021
    • YouTube

    Have you ever wondered how much value is actually contained within a single Minecraft chest? It seems like a pretty simple question. But I can honestly say, after researching this episode, I'll never look at these chests the same.

  • S2021E16 The High Cost of Pokemon Storage!

    • December 9, 2021
    • YouTube

    Throughout the many generations of Pokemon games, we've all come to accept Pokemon storage as a normal part of the game... but is it? We are talking about storing the DNA and learned XP of each individual Pokemon. That's a LOT of data. Today, Austin is diving in to see how much that storage would be... and at what COST?

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 How DEADLY is Master Chief's Punch?

    • January 6, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, have you ever played Halo and wondered "why does Master Chief need to punch when he has all these other powerful weapons at his disposal"? Well that reason is Austin. Today, Austin is going to talk about his favorite power move, Master Chief's deadly punch! How powerful is it? Watch to find out!

  • S2022E02 Can Your Mind Be CONTROLLED?

    • February 10, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, have you ever wondered if your brain could be controlled by someone else? I don't just mean brainwashing either! I'm talking full control by some outside source, implanting something in your brain. Well, welcome to Happy's Humble Burger Farm where that idea is a reality! Today, Austin is going to see if that terrifying idea could be true in REAL LIFE!

  • S2022E03 Would You FREEZE To Death In Minecraft?

    • March 10, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, we haven't talked about dangerous weather in a video game in a long time. In fact, I think the last time we covered it, it was Austin! So it makes sense that he's the one to tackle the mystery of Minecraft cold biomes. How COLD do they get? Are they DANGEROUS? It's time to get your diamond armor on as we tackle what may be the deadliest thing in Minecraft... the COLD!

  • S2022E04 Elden Ring's STRONGEST Weapon is... a Shield?!

    • April 14, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, the channel is FINALLY covering the most popular game right now... Elden Ring. Austin is OBSESSED and had a topic he needed to cover. What is the strongest weapon in Elden Ring and why is it the shield? Get ready to boot up your Soulsborne game and start whacking your enemies to death. Take it away Austin!

  • S2022E05 The Deadly World of Iron Lung Explained

    • June 16, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, Iron Lung is one SCARY game! I don't mean the sea of blood and huge monster fish either. I'm talking about the state of the UNIVERSE. Specifically the missing suns. That is a BIG red flag in any kind of survival. So today, Austin is going to try and figure out if humans could SURVIVE with no sun. Let's go!

  • S2022E06 Minecraft's Impossible World EXPLAINED!

    • July 28, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, on this channel we have talked about a LOT of Minecraft. Today, Austin is diving even deeper to find out how probable the world of Minecraft actually is. Could this square planet with its diverse biomes ACTUALLY exist in our reality? Let's find out

  • S2022E07 Your Job Is Killing You!

    • August 27, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, would you ever work in a mortuary? That is EXACTLY what happens in the aptly titled horror game, The Mortuary Assistant. Well, that and trying to stave off demon possession. You know, the usual. Today, Austin is going to explain how a demon may be LESS of a threat to you than your actual job.

  • S2022E08 Your Flying City is IMPOSSIBLE!

    • October 20, 2022
    • YouTube

    Theorists, have you ever noticed how a lot of fantasy included floating cities? From Avatar, Critical Role, and even epic games like Tower of Fantasy - they are EVERYWHERE! So today, Austin is going to figure out if they are even possible! Let's dive in!

  • S2022E09 This Hammer Would DESTROY The World!

    • December 1, 2022
    • YouTube

    Loyal Theorists, could you imagine being so strong that you cause an EARTHQUAKE just by slamming the ground? I can (obviously), and so can Reinhardt from Overwatch. No? You're not buying that I'm that strong? Whatever. Today, Austin is going to explain the science behind Reinhardt's Hammer Down ability and explain how much force it really takes to make it happen.

  • S2022E10 Can Minecraft Bees ACTUALLY Fly?

    • December 24, 2022
    • YouTube

    Friends, today Austin is here to RUIN your favorite video games again and today that game is Minecraft! He’s gonna be PROVING to you that the bees in Minecraft should technically NOT be able to fly! That’s right, the adorable winged friends that "fly" alongside us are not possible! So craft yourself a comfy chair and get ready for some SCIENCE!

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 Why you keep getting Replika Ads

    • January 21, 2023
    • YouTube

    Why do we keep getting so many ads for Replika? It's insane, right? The sheer volume of weird memes? Well, fine then, let's dive into precisely how Replika works, as well as cover why it is so many of us seem to be getting so many ads for this app.

  • S2023E02 How The Last of Us's Fungal Invasion is Already Happening

    • February 11, 2023
    • YouTube

    I actually happened upon a lot of this information totally by mistake. I didn't really have much to say about The Last of Us that hadn't already been said, but then I found out that the fungal invasion of our world is actually a thing that's already happening. It's really spooky stuff.

  • S2023E03 Competitive Tetris is INSANE

    • March 19, 2023
    • YouTube

    I know there isn't necessarily a lot of "science" going on here in the sense of "here's some mathematical facts" but it still felt like it was structured as a SCIENCEy video to me? I dunno, it just felt right, and this is my show and you can't stop me. I had a ton of fun making this video, and I hope you like watching it!

  • S2023E04 Minecraft's world IS FLAT

    • April 23, 2023
    • YouTube

    Okay, okay, okay, okay, OKAY, I was wrong, okay? You happy?! ARE YOU HAPPY!? MINECRAFT IS FLAT. HERE'S SOME SCIENCE. Ngl though, this was fun to make. How do you like the little Steve in the thumbnail? He's a cutie pie.

  • S2023E05 I channeled my inner MatPat/Game Theorist to talk, probably for the last (????) time about Five Nigh

    • May 13, 2023
    • YouTube

    I channeled my inner MatPat/Game Theorist to talk, probably for the last (????) time about Five Nights at Freddy's, Poppy Playtime, Garten of Banban, and mascot horror games in general. Specifically, dipping into the psychological tricks and quirks that make mascot horror games so successful, particularly on YouTube.

  • S2023E06 Link is DEAD

    • May 27, 2023
    • YouTube

    I literally thought of this topic the instant I saw this scene in TOTK. I was like "oh there's no way he survives that fall. There's also no way I could do a whole video on just this one scene" and yet here we are.

  • S2023E07 Minecraft's INSANE Weather Explained

    • June 18, 2023
    • YouTube

    Writer's block? COULDN'T BE ME. In this video I take a look at the crazy weather that Minecraft SHOULD have given their weird as heck biome system.

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Minecraft Pistons are BROKEN! | The SCIENCE of Minecraft

    • May 12, 2024

    Go to for 20% off your order, plus free shipping! Brought to you by Raycon. I wish all videos came together this quickly, I wrote this script in about 90 minutes. Then it took me a month to make. ADHD giveth, ADHD taketh away. This video is going over just how overpowered Minecraft pistons are, which is VERY overpowered. Support us on Patreon: Join our Discord: / discord #minecraft #SCIENCE

  • S2024E02 Over THREE HOURS of Pokemon SCIENCE! | The SCIENCE...of Pokemon THE MOVIE

    • July 13, 2024

    So goes my long-time duty to re-upload all of the videos I did at the Game Theorists, and this time it comes down to do ALL my Pokemon videos in a 3 Hour freakin' marathon. TV Guide: 00:00 - Start 00:07 - Exactly how OVERPOWERED is Pikachu? 14:08 - The SCIENCE! Behind Pokeballs in Pokemon GO 28:21 - Pokemon Evolution Would KILL YOU! 44:16 - Pokemon: Friends or VICTIMS? 58:16 - The Move That BROKE Pokemon! 01:16:26 - The Pokemon Move That Will END The World! 01:31:49 - Why Starters Are DISAPPEARING! 01:49:10 - These Pokemon are HUNTING Humans! 02:00:30 - The Rare Pokemon Virus You WANT To Catch! 02:14:56 - Pokemon's Biggest Scandal SOLVED! Who's Ash's Father? 02:32:10 - The SCIENCE of Pokemon's Deadliest Attack! 02:47:42 - The High Cost of Pokemon Storage! Support us on Patreon: Join our Discord: / discord #pokemon #pokemonscience

  • S2024E03 @Pikasprey‬'s Graveler Soft Lock is INSANE | The SCIENCE of Soft Lock Picking Pokemon

    • August 10, 2024

    I got obsessed with Pikasprey's Soft Lock Picking video on Graveler, I quite literally could not get it out of my head. So I made a video going over the math and probability of his vid, it's pretty dope when you get down to it, ending with a classic "enormous number" Check out his video if you have a chance: • Soft Lock Picking: Graveler's Unlikel... Here's the pertinents for those who are interested in taking up my coding challenge to make faster code than I did: Github repo with my bad code: Coding contest form: