• TheTVDB.com Season ID 1989998
  • Created March 14, 2022
  • Modified March 22, 2022
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S01E01 Hammurabi Issues a Code of Law (1750 B.C.) 30
S01E02 Moses and Monotheism (1220 B.C.) 30
S01E03 The Enlightenment of the Buddha (526 B.C.) 30
S01E04 Confucious Instructs a Nation (553-479 B.C.) 30
S01E05 Solon—Democracy Begins (594 B.C.) 30
S01E06 Marathon—Democracy Triumphant (490 B.C.) 30
S01E07 Hippocrates Takes an Oath (430 B.C.) 30
S01E08 Caesar Crosses the Rubicon (49 B.C.) 30
S01E09 Jesus—The Trial of a Teacher (A.D. 36) 30
S01E10 Constantine I Wins a Battle (A.D. 312) 30
S01E11 Muhammad Moves to Medina—The Hegira (A.D. 622) 30
S01E12 Bologna Gets a University (1088) 30
S01E13 Dante Sees Beatrice (1283) 30
S01E14 Black Death—Pandemics and History (1348) 30
S01E15 Columbus Finds a New World (1492) 30
S01E16 Michelanggelo Accepts a Commission (1508) 30
S01E17 Erasmus—A Book Sets Europe Ablaze (1516) 30
S01E18 Luther's New Course Changes History (1517) 30
S01E19 The Defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588) 30
S01E20 The Battle of Vienna (1683) 30
S01E21 The Battle of Lexington (1775) 30
S01E22 General Pickett Leads a Charge (1863) 30
S01E23 Adam Smith (1776) versus Karl Marx (1867) 30
S01E24 Charles Darwin Takes an Ocean Voyage (1831) 30
S01E25 Louis Pasteur Cures a Child (1885) 30
S01E26 Two Brothers Take a Flight (1903) 30
S01E27 The Archduke Makes a State Visit (1914) 30
S01E28 One Night in Petrograd (1917) 30
S01E29 The Day the Stock Market Crashed (1929) 30
S01E30 Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany (1933) 30
S01E31 Franklin Roosevelt Becomes President (1933) 30
S01E32 The Atomic Bomb is Dropped (1945) 30
S01E33 Mao Zedong Begins His Long March (1934) 30
S01E34 John F. Kennedy is Assassinated (1963) 30
S01E35 Dr. King Leads a March (1963) 30
S01E36 September 11, 2011 30

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