At the crime scene, Raishin and Charlotte run into Felix, who scares Charlotte away. Back at the dorms, Raishin gives Yaya a pair of boots and tells her that he went out with Charlotte to confirm that she is not Cannibal Candy. Raishin receives a phone call from Lisette that Charlotte went missing from her dorm. Shoko makes a visit to the dorms with Irori and Komurasaki. Shoko tells Raishin that automatons are not humans and recalls the time she found Raishin. Lisette calls Raishin out to enter an automaton laboratory, where Raishin discovers that Lisette's corpse is being preserved in Felix's locker and that the Lisette that he had been talking to is actually a banned automaton. Outside the laboratory, Charlotte defeats an automaton, but it is a trap set by Felix to frame her as Cannibal Candy. Charlotte figures out that Felix is Cannibal Candy. Felix is about to kill Charlotte until an injured Raishin and Yaya arrive.
샤를롯과 라이신이 학교를 벗어나는 길 기다렸다는 듯이 벌어진 카니발 캔디 사건. 샤를롯은 뭔가 감을 잡은 듯 한밤중에 기숙사를 나가는데. 한편, 라이신은 기숙사 방에서 어딘가 망가져버린 것 같은 야야를 보게 된다.
把夜夜和西格蒙德留在学院里的雷真和夏洛特外出回来后,发行学院里一阵骚动——又有自动人偶被“食人糖果”破坏了。想到夜夜还留在学院里,雷真赶忙上前,发现不是夜夜后稍稍松了口气。而看到他们一起回来的菲利克斯,却因误会说了伤害夏洛特的话。 独自回到宿舍后,雷真对自己把夜夜一人留在宿舍表示抱歉,并表明自己出去帮夜夜买双新鞋,以替换之前阻挡火车是损坏的,同时如果和夏洛特外出时“食人糖果”又有行动的话,也能证明夏洛特的清白。这时,莉赛特打来了电话,说夏洛特现在不知所踪,想问雷真知不知道她的下落。想着夏洛特一定又是自己一个人找“食人糖果”去了,放不下心的雷真带上了夜夜正要去找夏洛特是,遇上来访的花柳斋硝子和伊吕里。帮夜夜打开了魔术回路“金刚力”的戒律后,硝子对雷真又叮咛了几句,然后雷真就带着夜夜去找夏洛特。 途中,他们遇上了一样出来寻找夏洛特的莉赛特,并被告知在夏洛特的房间中发现了大量来源不明的魔术回路。
En la escena del crimen, Raishin y Charlotte se encuentran con Félix, quien asusta a Charlotte a lo lejos. De vuelta en los dormitorios, Raishin le da a Yaya un par de botas y le dice que salió con Charlotte para confirmar que no es Cannibal Candy.
Raishin et Yaya reçoivent des visiteurs inattendus. Pendant ce temps, Felix et Charlotte ont chacun entrepris de capturer "Cannibal Candy", mais leurs plans ont des différences irréconciliables.