סדרה תיעודית בשלושה חלקים המביאה את סיפור הקמתה של מערכת "כיפת ברזל" על רקע המערכה המתישה בין ישראל וחמאס בשדרות.
Developed to protect Israel against constant rocket fire, the “Iron Dome” missile defense system is a story about confrontation with indiscriminate terrorism. Follow the development of this breakthrough, lifesaving technological wonder — across a journey from vanity, denial, tragedy, and panic, to sacrifice, genius, and euphoria. This three-part documentary series follows the Israeli race toward a solution for the ballistic rockets fired daily on the city of Sderot and other parts of southern Israel, beginning in 2004. Culminating in the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict known as Operation Protective Edge, the now world-renowned “Iron Dome” has intercepted thousands of Hamas’ rockets, and defends Israel’s civilian citizens almost hermetically.
- Red Skies
- Shamaim BeTzeva Adom
- Sky in Red