- He Xian Sheng De Lian Lian Bu Wang
- Ho Sin Saang Di Lyun Lyun Bat Mong
- 賀先生的戀戀不忘
A love story between He Qiaoyan (played by Miles Wei), CEO of He’s Group, and Qin Yiyue (played by Hu Yixuan), a child psychologist. In the beginning, they start a contract marriage to help He Qiaoyan’s young child Poppet (played by Sun Sicheng) walk out of the PTSD from a car accident a long time ago. But later on, with the help of Poppet, the distant, indifferent CEO and the passionate, considerate child psychologist gradually fall in love with each other. He Qiaoyan likes to resort to money for all his problems. He is also a successful businessman who only believes in numbers. Qin Yiyue is a kind and optimistic child phycologist. Come and watch how a bossy CEO pursues a cute young girl with the help of an extremely adorable child.
- Mr. He's Love Don't Forget
- The Unforgettable Love of Mr. He.
- Mr. He's Unforgettable Love
الدراما تدرو حول العلاقة بين طبيبة نفسية ورئيس تنفيذي لأحد الشركات، وطفل يعاني من صدمة تجعله يختار الخرس.
Хэ Цяо Янь - генеральный директор Heshi Group. Цинь И Юэ - детский психолог. Благодаря своей тщательной заботе она постепенно исцеляет одиноких и равнодушных отца и сына семьи Хэ.
На основе одноименного романа Qin Ye.
He Qiaoyan (Wei Zheming) é um inteligente e incrível CEO de um grande conglomerado, porém ele é frio e sem nenhum senso real de empatia e também não sabe expressar suas emoções. Ele é pai solteiro do pequeno Xiaobao (Lennon Sun), um menino que não fala e não se aproxima de ninguém, devido à um trauma do passado.
Quando Xiaobao conhece a psicóloga infantil Qin Yiyue (Hu Yixuan), ele parece confiar muito nela e eles se dão tão bem que, quando He Qiaoyan percebe que a médica poderia ser a solução para o trauma de seu filho, ele lhe oferece uma grande quantia em dinheiro para que ela se torne a “mãe contratada” do menino.
He Qiaoyan, un dirigeant d’entreprise antipathique et tourmenté, a beaucoup de difficultés à élever son fils. Alors que la situation commence à devenir incontrôlable, il fait la rencontre de Qin Yiyue, une psychologue pour enfants. Qiaoyan lui propose alors de l’argent pour devenir la « mère sous contrat » du petit garçon et pense avoir trouvé la solution à son problème lorsque Yiyue accepte. Mais jamais il n’aurait imaginé tomber amoureux d’elle et ainsi compliquer encore davantage les choses...