Home / Series / Veronica's Closet / Aired Order / Season 3 / Episode 15

Veronica's Sleepover

Ronnie freaks out after Tom invites her to dinner at his place as she doesn't think she's ready for that step. (Why not? She was ready for it with Alec - and what a great couple they were...) Perry burns down the kitchen in his and Leo's apartment, leaving them in need of somewhere to stay. June mentions she has one vacancy available. Perry beats Leo to the offer and believes this is his chance to get her into bed. Ah, Perry - always Mr. Gracious. Chloe is out of town so Josh lets Leo shack up with him for the time being. Leo seeks to be Josh's best man after his first choice bails, but Perry doesn't feel Leo is that good a friend to Josh. Good friends should, after all, push each other out of the way so they can be the one to snag the first apartment offer that comes along and stuff. Brian pays Josh an untimely visit, at least for Leo, as it happens smack in the middle of his subtle attempt to sway Josh into asking him to be best man. Apparently, it was too subtle; Josh thinks Leo sug

Deutsch English
  • Originally Aired June 6, 2000
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Network NBC
  • Created April 19, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified April 19, 2010 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Richard Goodman Writer
Mike Sikowitz Executive Producer
Shelley Jensen Director