Jung Sun asks to know who Sung Jun is having an affair with, but Sung Jun remains silent. Jung Sun gives him an ultimatum that they live separately until he answers her question. Meanwhile, the decision for the Tifone deal is announced and Sung Jun carries out a secret order from the vice president.
After signing an MOU with Tifone, the VIP Management Team begins preparations for the Tifone Exhibit event. The team gets busy hiring catering chefs and valet companies for the event. Meanwhile, Jung Sun grows impatient while waiting for Sung Jun to answer her. She decides to take matters into her own hands.
“이번엔 예전이랑 달라. 뭔가가 부서졌달까..”
정선은 익명의 문자를 보낸 사람이 누군지, 무슨 목적으로 그런 문자를 보낸 건지 알아내기 위해 진철에게 발신자 추적을 의뢰한다.
얼마 뒤 진철이 밝힌 발신자의 이름에 정선은 경악하는데..