Poon, ever since his parents died, had to drop out of school and work to mantain himself and his younger brother. He sells papaya salad in front os his rental house, but can barely pay the bills, until one of his clients invites him to be a chef in a friends hotel. The owner of the hotel, Tian, is an young and heated entrepenour. Poom already know him and it wasn't very pleasant, since Tian's car touched in Poon's brother's car and Tian thought it was for money. Knowing who owned the hotel, Poon rejected the offer, but Tian challenged him and not to be overlooked, eeended up accepting it. Tian fell in love with Poon's food at first taste, but did not want to lose his pose so sad it was horrible. Slowly, Tian started thinking Poon lovely and wanting to help him grow is his career.
Poon, ever since his parents died, had to drop out of school and work to mantain himself and his younger brother. He sells papaya salad in front os his rental house, but can barely pay the bills, until one of his clients invites him to be a chef in a friends hotel. The owner of the hotel, Tian, is an young and heated entrepenour. Poom already know him and it wasn't very pleasant, since Tian's car touched in Poon's brother's car and Tian thought it was for money. Knowing who owned the hotel, Poon rejected the offer, but Tian challenged him and not to be overlooked, eeended up accepting it. Tian fell in love with Poon's food at first taste, but did not want to lose his pose so sad it was horrible. Slowly, Tian started thinking Poon lovely and wanting to help him grow is his career.
- The Chaotic Love of Mr. Rossab
Depuis la mort de ses parents, Poon travaille dur pour élever son frère en vendant ses plats dans la rue. La chance lui sourit un jour et il intègre un hôtel en tant que chef cuisinier. Mais quand il rencontre Tian, le propriétaire, il déchante. Tian et Poon se sont déjà croisés auparavant mais ils n’en gardent pas un bon souvenir. Commence alors entre eux une relation de travail compliquée. Mais au fil du temps, leur relation conflictuelle finit peu à peu par déboucher sur quelque chose de plus doux.
Poon é um homem trabalhador. Desde que seus pais faleceram, ele abandonou a escola e começou a trabalhar para sustentar a si mesmo e seu irmãozinho. Poon abriu uma barraca de somtum na frente de sua casa alugada, mas mal conseguia pagar as contas. Isso foi até que um de seus clientes o recrutou como chefe de cozinha para um hotel de propriedade de seu amigo.
O proprietário do hotel, Tian, é um homem de negócios jovem e de cabeça quente. Eles já tinham se conhecido antes e tinham uma má impressão um do outro. Quando Poon descobriu que Tian era o proprietário do hotel, ele imediatamente se recusou a trabalhar lá. Entretanto, Tian o desafiou a fazer o trabalho e, não querendo ser desprezado, ele decidiu aceitar o cargo.
Tian se apaixonou pela comida de Poon quando a provou, mas não queria perder a pose, então ele disse a Poon que a comida era horrível. Estes dois sempre brigavam quando se viam. Mas depois de algum tempo, a discussão diária se tornou algo especial.
Пун - трудолюбивый парень. После смерти родителей он бросил школу и начал работать, чтобы обеспечивать себя и младшего брата. Пун открыл киоск с сомтумом перед своим домом, но едва сводил концы с концами. Так было до тех пор, пока один из его клиентов не нанял его шеф-поваром в отеле. Владельцем отеля оказался Тиан - молодой вспыльчивый бизнесмен, с которым Пун уже встречался раньше, и у них сложилось плохое впечатление друг о друге. Тиан влюбился в еду Пуна, как только попробовал ее, но не хотел терять лицо, поэтому сказал Пуну, что еда ужасная. С тех пор эти двое постоянно ссорились, но через какое-то время их ежедневные ссоры переросли в нечто особенное.
- Любовь - это хаос, мистер Ротсэп!