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Season 1

  • S01E01 Born from Ice

    • January 1, 2019

    Stunning animal stories at the Bavarian Alp´s foothills: Follow the surprising adventures of a kingfisher family throughout a year. They dive so fast that their plumage keeps dry, a hazardous hunting technique only visible in high speed. Winter temperatures below freezing point create life-threatening conditions for them. Encounter busy black storks, lazy white-tailed eagles, playing fish otters or a venomous adder at hunt. Watch bats fishing like an osprey and raptors engaged in an air fight.

  • S01E02 Alive and Wild

    • January 1, 2019

    The sprawling Bavarian forests are amongst the largest of Europe. They are home to Bavaria's most ingenious masters of survival: The shy lynx, the untamable wildcat and even flamingos! Though Bavaria has been densely populated for centuries, these survivors managed to find their niche along rivers or lakes, in forests and meadows. Even Snow White's castle can be found here. Filmed with cutting edge technology, special high speed and thermal cameras the film provides unique nature insights.