Buckerson and Meyers follows the adventures of Futt Buckerson, Hyphen Potamus VII, Bobo Wilcox and Peppermint Pissy; a sophomoric group of adventurers who murder their way to the top of the mythical world's comedy scene. A role playing game conducted by The Whitest Kids U' Know.
Name | First Aired | Runtime | Image | |
S01E01 | Chapter 1 |
July 14, 2020
29 | |
S01E02 | Chapter 2 |
July 28, 2020
49 | |
S01E03 | Chapter 3 |
August 11, 2020
61 | |
S01E04 | Chapters 1-3 Recap |
August 26, 2020
4 | |
S01E05 | Chapter 4 |
August 25, 2020
62 | |
S01E06 | Chapter 5 |
September 8, 2020
50 | |
S01E07 | Chapter 6 |
September 22, 2020
81 | |
S01E08 | Chapter 7 |
October 6, 2020
56 | |
S01E09 | Chapter 8 |
October 20, 2020
63 | |
S01E10 | Chapter 9 |
November 11, 2020
89 | |
S01E11 | Chapter 10 |
December 8, 2020
89 | |
S01E12 | Chapter 11 |
December 22, 2020
1 | |
S01E13 | Chapter 11½ |
December 23, 2020
89 | |
S01E14 | Chapter 12 |
January 26, 2021
72 | |
S01E15 |
Chapter 13
season finale
February 23, 2021
115 |