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Sherlock Holmes [Topic]

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 14621
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • Genre Mystery
  • Favorites 1
  • Created November 20, 2022 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified November 20, 2022 by
    toni kaku



Sherlock Holmes and his partner Dr. John Watson solve crimes in 21st century London.



Following his fall from grace in London and a stint in rehab, eccentric Sherlock escapes to Manhattan where his wealthy father forces him to live with his worst nightmare – a sober companion, Dr. Watson. A successful surgeon until she lost a patient and her license three years ago, Watson views her current job as another opportunity to help people, as well as paying a penance. Holmes resumes his work as a police consultant in New York City and Watson has no choice but to accompany her irascible new charge on his jobs. But Sherlock finds her medical background helpful, and Watson realizes she has a knack for playing investigator. With the mischievous Sherlock Holmes now running free in New York solving crimes, it’s simple deduction that he’s going to need someone to keep him grounded, and it’s elementary that it’s a job for Watson.



Dr. Gregory House is a maverick physician who is devoid of bedside manner. While his behavior can border on antisocial, Dr. House thrives on the challenge of solving the medical puzzles that other doctors give up on. Together with his hand-picked team of young medical experts, he’ll do whatever it takes in the race against the clock to solve the case.



大人顔負けの推理力と洞察力を併せ持つ高校生探偵・工藤新一。ある日、幼なじみの毛利蘭と遊園地へ遊びに行った帰りに、謎の組織の取引現場を目撃する。取引の模様を見るのに夢中になっていた新一は、組織のもう1人の仲間に気付かず殴り倒され、口封じのためにその男に毒薬を飲まされるが、組織が知らなかった薬の副作用によって神経を除いたすべての組織が退行し、小学1年生の体となってしまう。そのため小さくなっても推理能力は大人顔負けという状況を生みだした。 自分がまだ生きていることを組織に知られれば再び命が狙われ、周りの人間にも危害が及ぶ。何とか生き延びた新一は、正体を隠しながら謎の組織を追うために、周囲には阿笠博士の遠い親戚[9]である江戸川コナンと名乗る。蘭の父親で探偵の毛利小五郎の家に居候し、周囲で次々に起こる事件を持ち前の推理力で解決しながら、元の身体を取り戻すために謎に包まれた黒の組織の陰謀を追っていくことになる。子供の姿のままで推理を披露しても信じてもらえないため、発明家の阿笠博士の作った腕時計型麻酔銃で高校生以上の人物を眠らせて、変声機でその人物の声になりすまして推理ショーを展開する。ほとんどの場合、眠らされるのが毛利小五郎のため、小五郎は名探偵と評されるようになる。

Enola Holmes


While searching for her missing mother, intrepid teen Enola Holmes uses her sleuthing skills to outsmart big brother Sherlock and help a runaway lord.