In der Weihnachtszeit rekrutiert Rektorin Skidmore Chyna, Olive und Fletcher zum Basteln von Geschenken für bedürftige Kinder in einem Waisenhaus. Inzwischen spielt Darryl in einem Kaufhaus den Weihnachtsmann, um herauszufinden, was Roxanne ihm zu Weihnachten kauft. (Text: Sky)
When Chyna gets the lead in the school musical, Lexi tries to sabotage the show with the help of Fletcher, who does not want Chyna to fall for the leading man, Jared. Meanwhile, Cameron learns that Gibson has been living at the school and offers to let him stay in his family's living room.
Quand Chyna est nommée chef de file dans la comédie musicale du lycée, Fletcher et Lexi sabotent la comédie musicale pour éviter qu'elle ne tombe amoureuse de Jared. Cameron, de son coté, loue le salon de son père pour Gibson.
Quando Chyna ottiene il ruolo nel musical della scuola. Lexi e Fletcher cercano di sabotare lo spettacolo per non far innamorare Jared e Chyna. Nel frattempo, Cameron scopre che Gibson ha vissuto sempre a scuola e gli offre di stare nel suo salotto