En velhavende, ældre mand drukner under mystiske omstændigheder lige ud for Jill's livreddertårn. Det er første gang, hun mister en badegæst, og det er ikke nemt for hende at acceptere. Da hun går i gang med at efterforske drukneulykken, møder hun ofrets søn, Derrick, som politiet mener, står bag farens død. Men det tror Jill ikke på, så hun graver videre i sagen, der ender med at bringe hende selv i fare.
Alex Benton schwimmt wie jeden Tag seine Meilen vor der Küste von L.A. Weit draußen lauert ihm ein Taucher auf und ertränkt ihn. Jill macht sich große Vorwürfe. Wie die anderen glaubt sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch an einen Unfall, den man hätte verhindern können.
An old couple named Lloyd and Ellie are having a blast at the beach, and they are documenting everything on a tape. Lloyd is using a big floatation device in the water, so Jill is forced to tell him to bring it to shore. In the meantime, a man named Fred spots a man in the water that is drowning. He notifies Jill who heads out to rescue him. But the victim is nowhere to be seen, until he suddenly floats up to the surface and Jill can bring him to shore. He is already dead when she gets to him.
The victim turns out to be a rich man named Alex Benton. Alex's drowning is filed as drowning due to heart attack, but Jill is suspicious of the circumstances and starts an investigation of her own in order to find out what really happened.
When Jill gets involved with Derrick Benton, Alex's son, she is shocked to discover that he may have murdered his own father. All evidence points to him. His scuba gear is missing, although he claims someone stole it. Derrick is also the one who will inherit m
Amy Laederach est poursuivie par le garde du corps vicieux de son petit ami, un gangster notoire. Tentant d'échapper à son poursuivant, elle trouve refuge sur la plage et plonge dans l'eau, se mêlant sans le savoir à un groupe de jeunes nageurs de compétition en entraînement. Son poursuivant l'aperçoit et tire à nouveau ; c'est une jeune nageuse qui est touchée.
Un ricco uomo d'affari muore, mentre una coppia fa delle riprese sulla spiaggia, nonostante il tempestivo intervento di Jill, che non sa darsi pace e non crede all'ipotesi del malore. Jill inizialmente sospetta il figlio dell'uomo, ma poi, controllando il video della coppia, scopre che si tratta del nipote di quello. L'uomo viene arrestato dopo aver tentato di uccidere anche Jill. Frattanto Eddie si trova le vacanze rovinate da un mitomane che cerca di sostituirsi a lui in un turno di guardia.
Una pareja de ancianos, Lloyd y Ellie, se lo está pasando bien en la playa y lo están documentando todo en una cinta. Lloyd está utilizando un gran dispositivo que flota en el agua, por lo que Jill se ve obligada a decirle que lo lleve a la orilla.