Walshovi slaví sedmnácté výročí svatby. Cindy se setkává se svým bývalým přítelem, fotografem Glenem, a ten jí chce znovu získat.Brenda s Brandonem se snaží, aby se jejich rodiče nerozešli a účastní se výzkumu dvojčat. David se stává novým školním D.J.-em. Donna a Steve se o to také pokouší, ale neuspějí.
Cindy og Jim ryger ud i en ægteskabelig krise, da Cindy møder en ungdomskæreste. Han lever nu en rigtig kunstnertilværelse, og hun kan mærke, at hun stadig føler sig meget tiltrukket af ham. Imens kommer Brandon og Brenda med i en psykologisk undersøgelse af tvillinger, som universitetet foretager. Resultaterne viser dem, at de er meget forskellige, og det giver anledning til mundhuggerier derhjemme.
Cindys Collegeschwarm taucht bei den Walshs auf, rechzeitig zum 17. Hochzeitstag. Cindy ist auf einmal hin- und hergerissen zwischen ihren Gefühlen für Jim und dem abenteuerlichen Fotografen. Jim merkt natürlich, dass der Nebenbuhler wieder ein Auge auf seine Frau geworfen hat und sagt ihm den Kampf an.
Für nichts in der Welt würde er seine Familie aufgeben. Brenda und Brandon versuchen zu helfen, doch sie erkennen, dass ihre Eltern dieses Problem alleine lösen müssen.
At home, Cindy takes off her wedding rings and looks at her wedding anniversary while they talk about having their first anniversary away from their old home. Jim tries to get frisky, but Cindy wants to talk, but when Jim tells her to talk, she tells him that she just doesn't want to be intimate. Jim gets up and walks downstairs to do his work. Brandon and Brenda talk about how their parents are acting on their way out of the house to go to school. Brandon thinks that she is overreacting and tells her that they have been married for a long time and that is just what happens. At school, DJ Mike is giving his good-bye over the air waves and David gets an idea about trying out for the job. Steve stops and tells David that he is trying out. Brandon and Brenda talk to Ms. Rye who tells them about a twin study that she would like them to take part in. Cindy is at a nursery looking at plants when she notices that someone is taking pictures of her. When she starts to walk away, telling the maid, Anna Rodriguez, that there are crazy people around the area, she stops and notices that the guy is Glen, her old boyfriend. They start reminiscing about old times and why he is in Los Angeles. She tells him that she has noticed his pictures in National Geographic and then she tells him that she is still married and has twins. At home, Cindy makes Glen tell the family about different stories and how he introduced Cindy and Jim while they were dating. Jim gets up to go do some work and then Brandon and Brenda tell Glen that they are about to become the subjects of a study and Glen wants to take some pictures of them. When they get up to leave, Brenda tells Brandon that she thinks that Glen likes their mom, but Brandon thinks that she is crazy. Cindy and Glen talk in front of the fire in the living room and Glen tells Cindy that he has just ended a long-term relationship. Jim wakes up from his sleep to find that Cindy has still not gone to bed. He gets up to go downstairs and sees them
Cindy törmää taimitarhalla opiskeluaikojen poikaystäväänsä Glenniin ja tuntee vapaudenkaipuuta 17 vuoden avioliiton jälkeen. Brenda hätääntyy, joten lapset yrittävät sytyttää vanhan hehkun takaisin. Brenda ja Brandon osallistuvat kaksoskokeeseen yliopistolla identtisten kaksosten joukossa. David havittelee koulun DJ:n paikkaa.
Cindy, la mère de Brandon et de Brenda, rencontre un ami, Glen. Celui-ci vit une vie d'artiste branché et, en sa compagnie, Cindy se sent rajeunie. Elle s'interroge sur sa relation avec son mari, Jim...
È il diciassettesimo anniversario di matrimonio di Cindy e Jim. Cindy incontra un suo ex fidanzato di liceo, Glen Evans, che è ancora innamorato di lei e i due si baciano. Brandon e Brenda credono che la madre abbia una relazione segreta e che pertanto i loro genitori divorzieranno. Alla fine però tutto risulta essere un equivoco e Cindy dice a Glen di non amarlo più e che è felicissima del proprio matrimonio. David, Donna e Steve fanno un provino per diventare DJ della scuola. Brenda e Brandon partecipano ad uno studio sui gemelli e scoprono di avere dei caratteri molto diversi.
Cindy spotyka swojego dawnego chłopaka z college'u Glena, który prowadzi artystyczny styl życia w Venice Beach. Nieoczekiwane spotkanie na chwilę zachwieje jej relacje z Jimem. Tymczasem Brandon i Brenda biorą udział w badaniach nad bliźniakami, przeprowadzonymi na UCLA. Badania koncentrują się na różnicach między bliźniakami, co powoduje, że brat i siostra uświadamiają sobie, jak wiele ich różni oraz doprowadza do ciągłych sprzeczek. David Silver zostaje DJ szkolnego radia- nigdy wcześniej żaden pierwszoklasista z West Beverly Hight nie dostąpił takiego zaszczytu.
Cindy y Jim van a celebrar sus 17 años de matrimonio. Pero hay una tormenta en el aire. Desde que llegaron a California, Jim trabaja muchísimo, llega tarde por la noche y Cindy se siente dejada. Un día, mientras que visita un vivero, encuentra a Glenn, un antiguo amigo de la Facultad hecho fotógrafo profesional, que decidió dejar de correr la aventura para instalarse definitivamente en Los Ángeles. Desde entonces, Cindy y Glenn pasan numerosos momentos juntos contándose memorias, a errar en las calles... Glenn se manifiesta enamorado de la joven mujer, lo que no escapa a su hija Brenda que, inquieta, le pide a su hermano ayudarle a " reanimar la llama " la que unía a sus padres...
Cindy e Jim voltam ao passado durante a comemoração do 17º aniversário de casamento, quando um antigo namorado de Cindy aparece, causando ciúmes em Jim. Brandon e Brenda participam de uma pesquisa com irmãos gêmeos.
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