The show is split into two halves. The first half delves into the world of animal fetishes, with helpful contributions from Paul Daniels and Carla Lane. The second half focuses on the elephant, who has trapped her trunk up her anus.
The voices of Bernard Manning, Noel Edmonds and David Amess MP attempt to save British schoolchildren from the horror drugs coming from Eastern Europe, Clarky Caps, Yellow Bentines and the made-up Cake.
Tomorrow's World meets Watchdog meets Wired. Science gets the Brass Eye treatment. A number of celebs again espouse their scripted knowledge of 'mad' experiments and covered up and untold stories of electricity falling from pylons and frogs being grown with rabbit's feet.
Chris Morris casts a satirical eye over the subject of sex and its relationship to society. Helpful contributors include Peter Stringfellow and David Sullivan.
Chris Morris turns his laser eye on to crime. Highlights include revelations of how elephants are being used to disperse rioters, and Vanessa Feltz's message to murderers.
In this episode, celebrities were this time duped into endorsing an anti-paedophile charity by denouncing a program in which paedophiles could view children through a webcam and, wearing special gloves allowing them to molest any part of the child they so wished by simply touching their monitor.