The nearly hired maid and adviser inform Conan of Jirokichi's strange behavior. They reveal that after dinner, two places are always missing and Jirokichi always brings his cane with him to the safe. Jirokichi asks the maid for a hand and they head to his room. Jirokichi leaves with his bodyguard for a drive. Shortly after, an unconscious Jirokichi is found tied up and his room and a note of Kaito Kid is found on the safe. This causes the whole police force that are guarding the safe to abandon their position and chase after "Jirokichi". Conan meanwhile enters the room with the safe revealing the maid was Kaito Kid in disguise. Conan reveals the first message by "Kaito Kid" was actually done by Jirokichi asking for Kaito's kid assistance. Conan also reveals Jirokichi purposely placed suspicion on himself in order to clear the area of cops so Kaito Kid can open the safe. Inside the safe is revealed to be Jirokichi's dog, Lupin.
Sonoko pense que son oncle se comporte plus bizarrement que d'habitude et tout le monde commence à soupçonner le Kaito Kid d'avoir pris son portrait pour échapper à la surveillance de la police. Jirokichi s'enfuit de la maison et l'inspecteur Nakamori le poursuit. Conan, lui, se rend compte que le voleur est toujours à l'intérieur de la maison.
Sonoko crede che suo zio si stia comportando in modo strano rispetto al solito e tutti iniziano a sospettare che Kaito Kid abbia preso le sue sembianze per poter eludere la sorveglianza della polizia. Jirokichi si allontana dalla casa e l'ispettore Nakamori lo insegue. Conan, però, ha capito che il ladro è ancora all'interno della casa.
Kaito Kid hace algo imposible y Conan deberá descubrir quien es. Sus principales sospechosos son la novata criada, el serio y el torpe asistente. O ¿Puede que sea el tío Jirokichi?
Kaito Kid fa una cosa impossible i Conan haurà de descobrir qui és. Els seus principals sospitosos són la novata criada, el seriós i el torpe assistent. O Pot ser l'oncle Jirokichi?