Überraschenderweise haben sich Enishi und Takako dazu entschlossen zu heiraten, auch wenn die finanzielle Lage des Kissuisos keine große Feier erlaubt. Takako bittet die Herrin um ihren Segen, allerdings gewehrt sie diesen nur, wenn die Hochzeit ihres Sohnes auch gebührend gefeiert wird... Ohana macht den Vorschlag die Feier im Kissuiso abzuhalten und ahnt dabei nicht im Geringsten, welches Unheil sie damit angerichtet hat.
Enishi and Takako announce they are getting married, with Sui insisting that they hold a proper marriage ceremony. With costs looking high, Ohana suggests that they hold the ceremony at the Kissuiso, with everyone else offering to pitch in. As Tōru takes Minko to the beach to calm her nerves, she becomes disheartened when he brings up Ohana out of the blue and starts lashing out at her again like she used to. With Takako concerned about the cost of the ring and willing to call off the wedding, Sui gives her her old weddding ring, telling her about how she and her husband got married. She entrusts Enishi's happiness to Takako, but states she does not intend to pass down the inn to her.