Nach dem Streit um die Speisekarte für das Schulfest, hängt der Segen in der Klasse schief. Ohana versucht Minchi so gut wie es geht zu unterstützen, aber trifft dabei auf Ablehnung. Nach einem hin und her bemerken jedoch die Mitschülerinnen, warum Minchi sich gegen das Reisomelett entschieden hat...
It's the day before the school festival so Minko wakes early, buys the ingredients, and starts prepping with the unwanted help of Ohana. When Nako asks to have omelette rice for lunch, Minko, unfazed, makes a perfect omelette rice dish. Adding Ohana's twist to the dish, they decide to also serve it on the menu of Class 2-A's princess cafe. Tōru arrives and Minko adds a big ketchup heart around his omelette rice. After they see from the class building that the campfire was lit, Minko, Ohana, Yuina, Nako, and her classmate decide to go down and take a look.