Victor, ophtalmologue réputé de Creux, devient mystérieusement aveugle lors d'une banale opération de la cataracte qui tourne au cauchemar. C'est sa fille, Laurence, chirurgienne ophtalmologique qui pilotait cette intervention médicale. En plus de la culpabilité qui la ronge, Laurence doit faire face aux accusations de son entourage professionnel et personnel. Laurence sait que quelque chose a cloché pendant l'opération, mais personne ne la croit.
Victor, a renowned ophthalmologist from Creux, mysteriously becomes blind during a banal cataract operation which turns into a nightmare. It was his daughter, Laurence, an ophthalmologic surgeon, who was in charge of this medical operation. In addition to the guilt that eats away at her, Laurence has to face the accusations of her professional and personal entourage. Laurence knows that something went wrong during the operation, but no one believes her.
Die belgische Kleinstadt Creux wird von seltsamen Ereignissen heimgesucht. Menschen scheinen unter mysteriösen Umständen langsam unsichtbar zu werden und wandeln nun unter den Bewohnern. Laurence kommt als erstes mit dem Phänomen in Kontakt, als sie nach einem Unfall während einer Operation die Präsenz einer weiteren Person zu spüren glaubt. Anschließend findet sie einen Fingerabdruck, der vorher nicht da war. (Text: ZDF)
Victor, um reputado oftalmologista de Creux, fica misteriosamente cego durante uma operação simples às cataratas. Foi a sua filha, Laurence, cirurgiã oftalmológica, quem liderou a operação. Para além da culpa que a consome, Laurence tem que enfrentar acusações profissionais e pessoais por parte de quem a rodeia. Laurence sabe que algo de estranho aconteceu durante a operação, mas ninguém acredita nela...