Die Serie folgt dem Leben von vier Frauen, die während des zweiten Weltkrieges im Rahmen der „Women’s Land Army“ zur Farmarbeit verpflichtet werden.
Doing Their Bit For The War
Set in England during the Second World War, Land Girls is a drama that captures the sacrifices and experiences of four young women in the Women's Land Army. Sharing hardships and working alongside captured POWs, Annie, Bea, Joyce and Nancy toil in the fields to grow food for the war effort.
Commissioned by the BBC to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the start of World War II, Land Girls is a tribute to all the women who answered their country's call for service to do their bit on the home front, while their men were overseas, fighting the enemy.
C’est la guerre et le pays, ainsi que ses soldats, a besoin de nourriture. Nancy, Joyce, Bea et Annie sont recrutées par la Women Lands Army pour aller travailler sur les terres de Lady Hoxley.
Sigue la vida de cuatro mujeres pertenecientes a la Organización de Mujeres de Apoyo a la Guerra que son asignadas para trabajar en el campo de Hoxley durante la II Guerra Mundial.
Britannia on sodassa ja miehet joutuvat aseisiin. Naiset on haastettu työhön isänmaan puolesta. Ystävykset Joyce ja Nancy ilmoittautuvat palvelukseen Hoxleyn kartanon maille. Toisen maailmansodan aikaan sijoittuva brittiläinen draamasarja.
Segui le vite, gli amori, gli alti e bassi di quattro membri dell'Esercito territoriale femminile impiegate nella tenuta degli Hoxley durante la Seconda guerra mondiale.
Acompanhe as vidas, as paixões, os altos e baixos de quatro membros do Women's Land Army, que trabalham no estado de Hoxley durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.