Zatímco Kellerman a Hale tlačí na Michaelův transfer, Michael to vidí na odklad, a testuje první část plánu na útěk. Veronika s Nikem analyzují videonahrávku, jež svědčí proti Lincolnovi. O tutéž nahrávku má ale zájem i někdo další.
Während Michael seinen Fluchtplan für sich selber, Lincoln, Abruzzi und Sucre weiter vorantreibt und dabei alles riskiert, versuchen Hale und Kellerman, den Gefängnisdirektor Pope mit den Konsequenzen seiner lange zurückliegenden Affäre in Toledo zu erpressen.
Michael Scofield tells the team in his escape plan, now consisting of Sucre (Amaury Nolasco), Lincoln (Dominic Purcell), and John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare), that they have to take out either English, Fitz or Percy, the three names on his forearm from the tattoo. Meanwhile, Secret Service Agent Kellerman (Paul Adelstein) and Hale pay a visit to Warden Pope regarding Scofield's transfer. Pope denies the request, where the agents proceed in blackmailing him concerning the affair he had from Toledo, and threaten to tell his wife about this. Pope tells the agents that his wife already knows about the affair, but the agents know he did not tell her the whole truth. She knows nothing of the son he had there. Michael returns to his cell to find Pope, who tells him that some higher power wants him transferred out of Fox River. Michael plans to take the advice from Charles Westmoreland and get a transfer block letter, telling Pope he has sinusitis, to keep him in at least a month yet. However, Kellerman and Hale continue blackmailing him, and tells him to drop the paperwork, which he reluctantly does. Nick Savrinn and Veronica Donovan continue to try to find legal grounds to exonerate Lincoln. From the copy of the videotape of the murder, an expert believes that the gunshot sound was faked, but needs the original. However, they find it was destroyed in a "freak accident". When they return to Veronica's home, they find the copy has been stolen, and she suspects Nick may be involved.
Michael tells Abruzzi to get him a key to the warden's office. Abruzzi does this by melting toothbrushes into a stolen mold. Towards the end of the day, Michael, while constructing the model of the Taj Mahal, tells Pope that the structure will collapse if he does not remain there to hold the piece as the glue sets. Warden Pope leaves for the day and Michael immediately uses the replica key to leave the office through the back door and reach the roof. However, during count, Bellick realises a miss
Pope reçoit la visite de deux agents du gouvernement qui demandent à ce que le prisonnier Michael Scofield soit transféré loin de Fox River. Le directeur refuse dans un premier temps de coopérer, mais l'agent Kellerman ne lui laisse pas trop le choix... Le bruit circule dans toute la prison : Scofield est le frère de Burrows, et il va être transféré. Tous les plans du jeune homme semblent prendre l'eau. Il n'a cependant pas dit son dernier mot...
Michael tovább szövögeti a tervét. Ezúttal azt akarja megtudni, melyik útvonalon hagyhatják el a börtön környékét, ha átjutottak a tetőn. A börtönigazgatót közben megzsarolják, hogy helyeztesse át Michaelt, aki emiatt benyújt egy kérvényt. Ám ennek az elbírálása hónapokig tart, így Michaelt addig nem vihetik sehova. A háttérben manipuláló hölgy ezek után újabb lépést tesz. Ügynökeit azzal bízza meg, hogy öljék meg Lincolnt még a kivégzés előtt.
Gli agenti dei Servizi Segreti Paul Kellerman e Danny Hale si recano da Henry Pope, il direttore del Fox River, e gli ordinano di far trasferire Michael pena la rivelazione alla moglie di uno scottante segreto che lo riguarda. Michael allora, seguendo i suggerimenti di Westmoreland, presenta una mozione in modo da far ritardare il trasferimento di una trentina di giorni, il tempo necessario per evadere assieme al fratello. Veronica e Nick proseguono le indagini e riescono a scoprire delle interessanti informazioni circa il nastro che mostra Lincoln sparare a Steadman. I Servizi Segreti, venuti a conoscenza della mozione di Michael, si presentano a casa di Pope e lo minacciano ulteriormente: l'uomo cede e distrugge i documenti utili a procrastinare il trasferimento. Michael, intanto, è arrivato ad un nuovo passo del suo piano, 'English, Fitz o Percy': con l'aiuto di Sucre e Abruzzi, verifica la direzione più sicura al momento della fuga. Mentre Veronica comincia a nutrire dei dubbi su chi sia realmente Nick, Michael viene prelevato dalla sua cella per essere trasferito altrove. Il direttore osserva la scena dalla finestra del suo ufficio. Proprio nel momento in cui Michael sta per lasciare il Fox River, Pope ferma il trasferimento dicendo che il detenuto ha presentato una regolare mozione per un problema di salute (la sinusite) che trova giovamento in quella prigione e ordina alle guardie di riportarlo immediatamente in cella. I due agenti dei Servizi Segreti osservano la scena da lontano.
Medan Kellerman och Hale driver Michaels förflyttning påbörjar Michael den första delen av sin flyktplan. Veronica och Nick studerar videon som dömde Lincoln, men någon annan vill också åt bandet.
Ενώ οι Κέλερμαν και Χέιλ πιέζουν για τη μεταφορά του Μάικλ, εκείνος προσπαθεί να την καθυστερήσει για να δοκιμάσει το πρώτο μέρος του σχεδίου απόδρασης.
קלרמן והייל מבקרים את הנרי פופ, שהעבר לא יכול להיות מלאכי כמו שהופיע מייקל לומד איך לצאת מפוקס ריבר קרוב מאוד משציפה בלי לינקולן החקירה של ורוניקה וניק להוכחה שלינקולן לא אשם עושה את ורוניקה בספק אם היא יכולה באמת לבטוח בניק מייקל חייב לגייס עזרה אחרת לתוכנית הבריחה שלו.
Узнав о скором переводе, Скофилд делает всё, чтобы задержаться в тюрьме ещё на несколько недель, а Поуп оказывается перед нелегким выбором, от которого зависит будущее его семьи. Майкл между тем пользуется благосклонностью директора, чтобы выведать наилучший путь к отступлению вне стен тюрьмы, в то время как Сукре оказывается в неприятной ситуации в связи с отсутствием сокамерника на месте. Вероника же, обнаружив кражу плёнки из собственного дома, начинает подозревать Ника в сотрудничестве с врагом.
Kellerman ja Hale yrittävät saada Michael siirretyksi, mutta tämä estää sen testatessaan pakosuunnitelmansa ensimmäistä vaihetta.
Terwijl Michael zijn ontsnappingsplan voortzet voor Lincoln, Abruzzi, Sucre en hemzelf, daarbij alles riskerend, proberen Hale en Kellerman gevangenisdirecteur Pope te chanteren met een affaire in Toledo uit het verre geleden.
Enquanto Kellerman e Hale pressionam a transferência de Michael, ele empata o processo para testar a primeira parte do seu plano de fuga.
Kellerman y Hale empujan la transferencia de Michael, Michael la demora y prueba su escape. Verónica y Nick estudian un video.
Kellerman i Hale naciskają na transfer Michaela, który jednak zamierza najpierw wypróbować pierwszą część planu ucieczki.
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