Die Vorbereitungen für die Verlobungsfeier laufen auf Hochtouren. Zu diesem Zweck muss Nike allerdings noch etwas zu ihrem Leid abspecken. Doch schon bald stellt sich heraus, dass der Designer ihres Kleides nicht ihr größter Feind im Sonnenkönigreich ist.
In the Sun Kingdom, it is customary that a marriage in the royal family must earn the approval of the Ministry of the Priesthood. The Ministry rejects Nike, however, and demands that she perform the potentially fatal "Rite of Illumination." Livi is worried for Nike's safety, but Nike decides to perform the rite to see herself accepted.
Nike et Livius se préparent pour leur cérémonie de fiançailles. Mais la Congrégation voit ce mariage d'un mauvais œil mariage et Nike doit passer l'épreuve du Rituel de l'obscurité...
In the Sun Kingdom, it is customary that a marriage in the royal family must earn the approval of the Ministry of the Priesthood. The Ministry rejects Nike, however, and demands that she perform the potentially fatal "Rite of Illumination." Livi is worried for Nike's safety, but Nike decides to perform the rite to see herself accepted.